Chapter 27: You died.

Chapter 27: You died.

[You rushed to the Ogre King to inform about it. While doing so, you took a good look at the levels of ogres in the camp. Except Laiya, Ijan, and an ogre named Crook, no one was above Level 30.]

[You arrived at the Ogre King's tent where chaos had broken. Emergency was declared, and the King was ready to fight.]

[You knelt on the ground as you requested, "Please let me accompany you to the battle, my lord."]

["Insolence. We have already formed a plan. You-", the Ogre General seemed against the idea of you fighting beside them.]

[A plan had been formed, and they had to stick to it. It was something decided with the Elders' opinion, so it mattered a lot!]

["Please, if I don't join you then... then...", you didn't know how to convince the general. Being a strict follower of the rule, the general would not be moved by anything you say, you realized this long ago!]

["Are you saying that we will lose?" A red glint outlined the general's eyes as he walked forward, towering high as he looked down on you.]

[Unwavering, you raised your head and glanced right into the eyes of the general. It was a waste to use the skill right now, but you decided to do it anyway, just for a second, of course.]

[You used the Berserker skill. Your body turned red, and a reddish glow engulfed your eyes. You were partially controlling the body even now as you had restricted your movements, limiting only to that mouth of yours.]

[You rehearsed what you had to say, making sure you didn't forget it after being under the effect of the skill.]

[With a determined and fierce look, which had become scarier with the skill, you said, "That's right. Without me, we are going to lose today!"]

[Laiya, Ijan, and your fan club, everyone felt the pressure that was emitted from the general and you. It was like a clash of aura.]

[While like a humble being, you remained kneeling on the ground, the aura around you spoke volume. Even the general was surprised as you could go toe to toe with him!]

[Your skin's change in color added to the impact, making you look dominating. No one breathed in the tense moment until a voice forced both of them to stop.]

[Your reputation has increased by +50. Your words have been heard by the King.]

["He's not wrong, general," a deep elderly masculine hoarse voice that brimmed with power, echoed from the hut within. It didn't even take a second for you to guess that the voice belonged to the Ogre King. The same was true for the rest, who bowed instantly before the Ogre King made his appearance.]

[He walked through the shadows and emerged in the dark outside. The lamps in the surrounding made sure everyone got a good look at their leader.]

[He towered tall, taller than the general. He was robust. His gigantic arms and legs were well-developed with bulky and refined muscles. His skin was rugged and contained moss-covered tattoos. There remained many scars, some covered by the skin of a bear that he wore as a robe on his shoulders. Two gigantic tusks, one half broken, extended from his gigantic mouth, making his image even more fearsome. His voice thunderous, commanded respect and fear. You realized that you were nothing in comparison to the great king in front of you. Weirdly enough, you felt relief that such a being was on your side.]

[Leave the fangirls; even you had become a fan of those juicy abs that the Ogre King had. You controlled yourself.]

["But Lord, the elders' combined decision stated that-" the Ogre General still wanted to abide by the joint decision, but the king refuted.]

["Warrior Chilly, will you be able to help us in this battle?" - the ogre King's commanding voice interrupted the general's words.]

["Yes, your highness. I'm confident, with my abilities and a few others added, we might somehow be on an equal footing."]

["Let's do that then."]

[Congratulations, you were able to convince the Ogre King! However, in the process, you have garnered hate from the General and some of the Elders.]

[You don't regret it because you believe this is the best course of action.]


[Checkpoint saved.]

[You formed a team that comprised Laiya, Ijan, Crook, and a few more Ogres, namely Kus, Mork, and Niv, who were at level 29. These were the strongest in terms of levels you could find.]

[Having formed the team, you accompanied the Ogre King and the General to the battlefield. Your determination is unwavering, and with you in command, your team is similarly confident that they would win!]

[The solar eclipse is giving a weird vibe as it is lasting for way too long than it should. Moreover, the zombies have already approached your part of the battlefield, the closest area.]

[The Ogre King, standing tall, commanded his shadows. About 75 shadow-beasts, each one undead, emerged from the King's shadows.]

[The massacre started with the King's command. The entire army of ogres began killing the undead. The shadows played an important role... The general was extraordinarily powerful as well, and you, along with your team, had already killed over 500 undead goblins. Everything seemed to go well. The Ogre King confronted the Goblin King in a head-to-head battle. The Ogre General took the chance to engage in a fight against the Goblin General. As for the Wyvern, the elite ogres along with your team were somehow keeping up. Part of it was thanks to your skills...]

[Everything seemed to go as planned. If these three were killed, then you would win the war... at least, that was the plan!]





[The Ogre King has been killed!]


[The Ogre General has been killed!]


[Your party has been annihilated!]


[You died.]

[Ending the simulation...]

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