Chapter 37: Pathetic weaklings - Chilly Vs Dialga

Chapter 37: Pathetic weaklings - Chilly Vs Dialga

[The quiet battlefield was filled with the sounds made by the zombies. However, there was utter silence after witnessing your extraordinary form. But that silence was broken when the 498 goblins that died turned into zombies.]

[The newly formed zombies trembled as they looked at their own shadows bowing in front of you. However, as if obeying a command, they walked with a moderate pace, ready to attack. The war resumed as your team started taking on these new zombies.]

[Your gaze shifted to the Goblin King, General, and the Wyvern, who seemed serious, as if planning something. Especially the Dark Wyvern, having seen your powers, was skeptical about the situation and contemplating something.]

[Looking to your right, you observed the ogre general and the ogre king resuming the fight. Annoyed that they were busy fighting minor mobs - a few other goblins and hobgoblins, you thought, "Can't they leave the weaklings for other ogres to handle?" Pausing, with understanding, you asked yourself, "Is it because we have fewer numbers? Is that really why they are going after the mobs as well, to make things easier for others?"]

[You then turned towards other hordes of goblins running towards you. Their faces filled with fear, sweat, grim, and mud, yet they charged towards you and your shadow army. "See? They will keep on coming... It's useless to fight them," you whispered a little louder, making sure the nearby general heard it. You further added, "You will only get fatigued. You are already slower than a goblin general, so rather than dealing with these insects, I suggest you go and attack the general directly," making eye contact with the general as you suggested this.]

[He stared into your eyes, asking for re-confirmation, "Will you take care of the large number then?" With a chuckle, you said, "Yeah, why not." With that, you turned towards the horde of goblins running towards you.]

[You looked at the shadows that remained bowing on the ground but reacted to the approaching goblins. They stood up immediately and faced the horde of 693 exact goblins.]

[You peeked at the information of the attached skill.]

[Attached skill: Rage of the Shadows

- The attached skill gets activated upon using Rage of the Berserker.

-> The shadows of all the intimidated foes/targets, upon the host's orders, will strangle and kill their own bodies after being in rage.

-> Additionally, the shadows will manifest and materialize as identical counterparts of the bodies, bearing just one skill, at random, of the body - if any.]

[You merely re-confirmed the effects, having used the skill a few minutes ago. You were once again prepared to use it, but for now, you wanted to see how much use the shadows could be.]

[Your group of shadows also wielded shadow versions of the weapons that their original bodies had, so it was going to be interesting to see how they were going to fight.]

[With a deep breath, you gave out a war cry, the voice seemingly originating from the depth of your abdomen, "ATTACK!"]

[The shadows moved instantly, running like maniacs after their eyes turned red. Additionally, they had this thin line of red glow around their entire body - as they were under the effect of rage. They ran at their top speed that was several times more than the goblins or their original bodies - an advantage of having nearly zero-weight bodies!]

[In an instant, the shadows massacred the goblins. The shadow-swords acted like real swords, cutting the torsos and heads of the goblins as if they were butter. Moreover, some of them even had long claws that pierced right into the bodies of the goblins and plucked their hearts out.]

[You, who stood monotonous to this situation, gave out a big vicious smile as you leveled up.]


[You have leveled up.]

[You were now Level 46, a level higher than the Dark Wyvern, something that you were looking to do eagerly. Your confidence boosted.]

[The shadows have killed 93 goblins.]

[The shadows have killed 25 goblins.]


[The shadows have killed a total of 693 goblins. Yet another horde has been wiped out!]


[You have leveled up!]

[You were now level 47. While you didn't feel any extraordinary growth of strength, simply being the one monster with the highest level in the battlefield felt different.]

[You danced as your shadows butchered the goblins. You raised your hands and clenched your fists, then folded your arms and jumped once or twice. Your dancing seemed funny, but with each movement, one or another goblin in the battlefield was dying.]

[You didn't stop your shadows and gave them a clear order to massacre.]

[Rivers of blood started to flow. Numerous headless fountains were formed. Infinite cries echoed, and you, at the center of all, dancing like a maniac, became the most feared monster.]

[Your team couldn't believe their eyes, and other ogres couldn't stop their eyeballs from trembling. The Ogre King himself was flabbergasted at your acts. The general couldn't help but chuckle and compliment you. "Perfect."]

[The goblin king was frustrated after seeing this happening. Especially, your dancing was an annoyance. You were like an eyesore. "What kind of monster have you created, Jerka? You bastard, look at how the battle is unfolding..." the goblin king asked out loudly, furious.]

["There's no use thinking about that bastard. For now, we must finish him," added the goblin general. "Leave it to me," the dark wyvern said in a cold voice as he changed course and headed straight towards you.]

[A Wyvern's structure is quite similar to that of a drake or a dragon. They are one of the highest-ranking predators with majestic forms. But what now walked towards you seemed too different. While being bulky and having some scales, the dark-skinned goblin-like wyvern seemed much less than its majestic form.]

["Ah? Looks like he wants to battle me," you noticed the wyvern heading towards you. A smirk sat on your face as you saw this. You were proud that you were finally noteworthy to someone like a wyvern!]

[However, you didn't let the excitement get to you. Pausing yourself, you looked at your unstoppable shadow army. A thought crossed your mind, and without hesitation, you tried to test it. "Shadows, attack the wyvern!" you shouted at the top of your lungs.]

[The wyvern paused as he heard your command. He started to tremble. It was as if he was scared. An army against whom physical attacks were useless… what could be more terrifying than that? But you weren't deceived. Out of everyone, you knew it the best that the Wyvern didn't tremble out of fear. He did so out of pure maniacal excitement.]

["Kuhahahaha, do you really think such weaklings will be able to even touch me!?" covering the upper half of his face by placing his left palm, the Wyvern roared. Following the roar was the initiation of his attack. A terrifyingly big wave of dark energy erupted from his body after being constricted into a small sphere. It spread in all directions, instantly annihilating the shadows!]

[Your eyes widened as you witnessed your shadows vanishing one by one. The moment they came in contact with this dark energy that resembled fog, your shadows disappeared. This motivated you even more... to test out your strength against the mighty beast.]

Once again, you jumped high and landed forward. With the annihilation of your shadows, now only you and the wyvern stood face to face. Surrounding you were about a thousand zombies that slowly moved to attack you.

Your gaze moved here and there as you scanned the number of zombies, ready to unleash an attack to wipe them out. However, your plan remained unexecuted. "Save your energy to fight me. These ants, they don't deserve to come between our fight," saying this, the wyvern concentrated another small ball of dark energy and fired towards the sky as he whispered, "Black Hole."

Almost instantly, 897 surrounding zombies were sucked into the black hole, their entire bodies elongating at the start. Just like the shadows, they too vanished - emptying the battlefield.

Once again, everyone's jaws dropped. Their throats dried up. They couldn't help but halt and look at the battle between you and the Wyvern. Of course, that didn't apply to the leaders. Ogre King and the Ogre General had already made their way towards the Goblin King and the Goblin General, to engage in the battle.

As for you, you rotated your right and left arm before saying, "Don't expect thanks; I could take care of those insects without your help." To this, the Wyvern chuckled as he replied, "I know. You are strong. You can surely do that… but that would only waste your energy. Being weaker than me, you need some fighting chance, yeah?" He called you a weakling and taunted you while flaunting his strength.

Your left eye twitched upon hearing that. You raised your gaze that brimmed with confidence and concentration, "Just because you are a superior monster, doesn't mean you are strong." Saying this, you ran with incredible speed. Not as fast as the wind itself, but you were faster than any being on the battlefield today.

Clenching your fist and gathering strength all over your right arm, you appeared right in front of the Wyvern and punched its abdomen. BAM! The sound of two hard rocks colliding reverberated in the near vicinity. The impact generated a shockwave that sent a gust of wind in all directions. The dust on the ground formed a dust cloud, obstructing everyone's vision.

The goblin and ogre king along with the generals momentarily looked at your direction. The cloud settled, and now the scene became clear. You, who were confident as your punch had landed, noticed the Wyvern standing still. You didn't raise your gaze but stared at the ground. Just 1 cm, that's the distance that you were able to push the Wyvern.

["???", surprised, you jumped backward. As you now scanned the Wyvern's body, you noticed… he didn't suffer even the slightest of damage.]

[The ogre king was surprised by this. He could sense your strength but despite that, you dealt no damage… that was a shocker!]

[Instantly, you looked at the Wyvern's stats. And what flashed in front of your eyes was something that you had never seen before… You couldn't help but say, "Wyvern… ha… it fits him well."]



Name: Dialga "Image" 

Level: 45 

Rank: A+ 

Race: Wyvern 

Title: Darkness-manifestation; Vessel of Darkness; Survivor; Destroyer; the Dark Wyvern 

Exp: 91% 

HP: 98.2% [4910/5000] 

MP: 97.83% [2935/3000] 

Stamina: 100% [1200/1200] 


{Stat points: 90} 

» Strength: 270 

» Perception: 225 

» Agility: 390 

» Dexterity: 409 

» Intelligence: 293 

» Vitality: 491 

» Charm: 55 

["Pathetic. Is that all you've got?", Dialga, the Wyvern asked, taunting once again while simply scratching his abdomen. You, who were agitated inwardly, decided to give your best.]


[You have used the skill: Rage of the Berserker.] [Note: Attached skill has failed to activate due to the absence of lower-level targets in the vicinity.]

[And with increased strength and agility, you vanished from the site and reappeared in front of the wyvern, once again, throwing a similar punch. Bam! Dialga ate the punch once again. A similar scenario occurred with the obscuration of the scene with dust. After it settled, Dialga stood once again, unscathed… however, you knew it better than anyone that you had finally dealt, at least some damage!]

HP: 94.88% [4744/5000]

[And of course, after suffering the damage, albeit Dialga didn't showcase in the front, he was surely angry within, for he didn't control this time and used his skill: Dark Cutter - unleashing a blade of darkness that cut through the air and made its way towards you who had leapt back to maintain distance.]


[You have used the skill Toughened Endurance. Attached skill Shadow's Endurance has been activated.]

[Boom! The attack hit you, generating another cloud of dust, but this one settled quicker… and there you stood, unscathed. You, a huge… big… largest smirk sitting on your face, returned the wyvern's words, "Pathetic, is that all you've got?"]

A/N: Just a simple comment like 'TFTC'/'Thank you for the chapter'/'Thanks' will also help. It keeps me motivated! Do comment!