Chapter 73: Revenge [4]

Chapter 73: Revenge [4]

Hacker and Grub, disguised, stood right outside the hut within which Ruoz, aka, Bozo, was resting.

He was reporting the progress of the plan.

Elder Kara had mentioned that the humans could potentially attack another goblin settlement after the news of the massacre of the humans was spread.

In order to ensure a delay, Kara asked Bozo to change their mind a little.

Bozo, having disguised as Ruoz, was going to do just that. But Damian mentioned something entirely different - about the princess' death.

Ruoz had the letter within his pant pocket. While it was usual to do that, Ruoz was indeed scared because he was the real one who had let the princess accompany the adventurers.

That came in handy as Bozo took a look and deduced the situation.

Shifting the blame to Ark was pretty brilliant and Bozo couldn't help but be happy about that.