Chapter 76: Another Kill - Seeing something that shouldn’t be seen

Chapter 76: Another Kill - Seeing something that shouldn't be seen

"Auntie Marie, one more bowl please!" exclaimed a small kid dressed in a brownish torn shirt and half-torn underpants, holding up an almost broken piece of a bowl.

A crumb of bread clung to his upper lip from the meal he had just finished.

"Oh my Sol, this is already the fifth bowl! Are you sure there is more space in that tiny pouch of yours?" Marie asked with a smile, jokingly of course, as she served the same soup to another kid from the crowd gathered around her small cart.

"Of course, Auntie Marie! I'm gonna eat two more bowls! It will keep me full for an entire week!" Sol declared as his empty bowl was exchanged for a freshly filled one.

"Aye Aye, I heard you alright. But, no need to stay that long. I cook for everyone every two days, remember? You just need to bear for one day," Marie reminded him as she poured some more slightly hot bread soup into Sol's bowl.