Chapter 81: Torture [2]

Chapter 81: Torture [2]

Michael wanted information, so generally, he should have been angry about the situation. However, right now, he smiled. This meant he was delighted with what Jason had done.

Knowing this fully well, Jason placed the tweezers on the rack as he defended himself, "Doctor Michael, look, I tried getting information from him, but he didn't say anything at all. Are you sure he knows our language?"

Now, that was a big lie. He never asked a single damn question about this fake investigation. Well, Bozo wouldn't have answered either way, so he wasn't entirely wrong.

"Yes, of course, he knows. That's how he was able to disguise for longer, no?" Michael walked a few more steps forward.

He looked at Bozo, straight in the eye, and then asked, "Answer my questions. If you do so, I'll let you go."

Jason blinked his eyes a few times.

'Uh, isn't it too late to say that?' he thought to himself.