Chapter 150: Hyrus' Majestic Appearance

Chapter 150: Hyrus' Majestic Appearance

Having conjured the flames, the wyvern fired them toward the incoming ball of fire.

For a moment, the ball seemed to halt in the air, as if suspended there motionless. The flames didn't do anything more than just stop it momentarily...

But the Phoenix didn't stop.

He arrogantly opened his mouth, spewing flames.

A crimson light flashed in the Phoenix's eyes as it glared at the wyvern who was persisting even now.

The wyvern had broken through the shackles of flames and had risen once again after thinking about his master.

He flew straight toward the ball of fire while spewing flames himself, preventing the collision of the fireball with the ground.

As he continued with blast breath, the ball of fire started to move backward.

It was almost as if the wyvern had regained his strength miraculously and was fighting back!