Phoned her back

Belle Rose stormed upstairs with her school bag and shut her bedroom door. Paris and Ava knew Belle Rose was not pleased with what they were doing to her. Belle Rose quickly texted Mrs Sprocket, and Mrs Sprocket phoned her back.

Mrs Sprocket was worried about Belle Rose and spoke on the phone. "Your parents have allowed you to go on the trip, but then they tried to tell you they have arranged a day for you to marry Ayers." Belle Rose nodded and replied. "I knew immediately they were about to talk; they had arranged a day about me marrying him when I seriously did not want to."

"I showed no emotions towards them; they thought I would be happy with what they were doing when I wasn't. I have lost my temper with my parents and don't know what to do now." Mrs Sprocket knew Belle Rose didn't want to be with her parents anymore and knew she could inform Mr Godwin tomorrow as suggested. 

"I will speak to Mr Godwin tomorrow for advice, and we will take it from there. But you must be careful as we do not know what they may do to you tomorrow if you can. Get up early before your parents do and come to my house with your school bag with some clothes. Or pack some clothes now and come round. I have asked Mrs Vary when the school trip will be, and she told me it is coming up this week."

Belle Rose heard the front door opening and closing. Belle Rose raced over to a window and saw her parents leaving the house in the car. Mrs Sprocket heard something going on in the background and asked. "What is happening at your house, and what is the commotion?" 

Belle Rose knew it was her chance to escape and spoke. "My parents have just left, and I do not know where they are going. Shall I pack a suitcase as well?" Mrs Sprocket nodded and replied. "It is best that you do; my husband will pick you up. I will see you when you get here, and do not tell anyone at your house where you are going."

Belle Rose nodded and answered. "I won't, and I'll see you when I arrive at your house." Belle Rose hung up and packed a suitcase. Belle Rose got all of her money and passport. Belle Rose placed her passport in an overnight bag as she took her school bag, suitcase, and the overnight bag. 

After turning the lights off, Belle Rose left her bedroom and her parents' home. Belle Rose approached the end of her family's property as she ensured no one was not looking out of her parent's home and hoped the members of staff did not know where she went.

Belle Rose met Mrs Sprocket's husband, Rocket, and they ensured no one from her former home was looking out of the house. Rocket took her overnight bag and brought her to his house. Mrs Sprocket got a bedroom ready for Belle Rose and welcomed Belle Rose with open arms.

Belle Rose realised she had to show her parents that Ayers would not have her as his wife, and he had to find someone else so she would find the man of her dreams. Belle Rose also knew she had to show her parents that she was not a 16-year-old anymore, and they had to treat her like an adult instead of a teenager. Belle Rose had food with Mrs Sprocket and Rocket.

Belle Rose knew she had to believe her heart and dreams. Belle Rose hoped her parents would leave her alone by allowing her to be with the man of her dreams and stop ordering her to do what they wanted. Mrs Sprocket and Rocket allowed Belle Rose to go to bed before them. 

After Belle Rose went straight to bed, Mrs Sprocket quickly phoned Mr Godwin and told him what was happening. Mr Godwin felt relieved Belle Rose's parents finally allowed her to go on the school trip; however, he knew Belle Rose had enough with her parents.

Mr Godwin told Mrs Sprocket Belle Rose could stay with her and her husband until the bday of the school trip. Mrs Sprocket knew Belle Rose would be delighted she could stay with her and her husband rather than go back to her horrible parents. 

Mrs Sprocket hung up and told her husband, Belle Rose, she would stay with them until the school trip. Rocket knew his brother-in-law was making the right decision about Belle Rose and knew she did not want to return to see her parents.

Rocket nodded and spoke. "Do not tell Belle Rose right now because I am guessing she is asleep right now, and it is best to tell her tomorrow after breakfast. I want her to go to school with happiness rather than having a dark cloud over her. Even though she will have a dark cloud over her, and I hope she can find something or someone to get rid of it."

Mrs Sprocket knew her husband was telling the truth, and they went to bed. The following morning, Mrs Sprocket waited for Belle Rose to come downstairs for breakfast with her and Rocket. Mrs Sprocket knew something was up and rushed upstairs to the bedroom that Belle Rose was using. 

Mrs Sprocket saw Belle Rose still asleep and could not blame Belle Rose. Mrs Sprocket walked over to Belle Rose and gently shook Belle Rose up. Belle Rose bolted up and realised she would be late for school. Mrs Sprocket saw Belle Rose had a dream and asked. "Did you have a good night's sleep, and what did you dream about?"

Belle Rose nodded at the first question and shrugged at the second question as she replied. "I sure did have a good night's sleep and ensured what I dreamed about. Last night was the first night I could remember having a solid good night's sleep. Even though the thoughts about my parents want me to marry someone who I do not love are still in my head, and they will not go away in a blink of an eye."