Was stunned

"However, my grandfather was severely injured and was left on No Man Lands. Two of your family members saw that my grandfather's fellow soldiers had left him to die and rushed over to him. One of your family members spoke German to my grandfather while the other family members treated him, and basically, they saved his life. My grandfather did not attack them while they were looking after him and was grateful towards them. But after they treated him, one of my grandfather's fellow soldiers opened fire at them, and they died right there and then."

"My grandfather yelled at his fellow soldiers and told them that your family members saved his life after his fellow soldiers left him behind. My grandfather found a white shirt and waved it above his head. Two French soldiers rushed forward, and my grandfather told them what happened. Two French soldiers carried your family members back to the French line, and my grandfather removed his helmet in respect. My grandfather's general was not happy that he was left behind for dead and rushed towards him. He checked my grandfather over ten times and returned him to the German line. My grandfather's general ordered two of my grandfather's fellow soldiers to take him to the hospital and told them that they were going to get reprehended when they returned to the German line."

"After the war, my grandfather was taken to the French war memorial and was taken to where two of your family members were buried. He told the French ambassador who was there what they did for him and how they did not deserve to die after they treated him. My grandfather showed respect towards your family members and wanted me to give something to their descendants. I have it with me and do you want to have it?" Belle Rose nodded with tears rolling down her face and the person from Rottenburg Cathedral. 

He pulled out a box and opened it. Belle Rose wiped the tears from her face and placed her hands over her mouth. Belle Rose was staring at two medals and looked at the person from Rottenburg Cathedral. The person from the Rottenburg Cathedral gave Belle Rose the box and spoke. "My grandfather was given two medals for his service but didn't feel he deserved it. He could find the names of the two French men who saved his life and was able to change the medals. He waited for a chance to meet the descendants of the two French men who saved his life and asked me to look after it for him until I met the descendants of the two French men who saved his life." He gave the box to Belle Rose, and she held it against her chest. 

Mrs Sprocket stared at the person from Rottenburg Cathedral and asked. "What happened to your grandfather's fellow soldiers? Did they get told off or what?" The person from Rottenburg Cathedral knew where she was coming from and replied. "They got told off big time and were forced by my grandfather's general to come to the hospital. To apologise to my grandfather, and they were sent back to training camp. They received no medals, and the general informed their families of what they did to my grandfather. The general agreed with my grandfather to honour her family members for what they did to me, and that is why their names are on that wall in the French war memorial."

Belle Rose calmed down and spoke. "Thank you for informing me about what happened to two of my family members and giving me this medal. I must tell my family what I have been notified of and get them to see the names. I can start that by telling my Aunt Victoria and Uncle Alfred. I know they are here, but I must find them first." Fatima looked over her left shoulder and saw their classmates and teachers. Fatima stared at Belle Rose and spoke. "You don't need to look any further and don't need to search for them. Because they are standing and looking this way."

Belle Rose looked over her left shoulder and saw them. Mrs Sprocket, Fatima, Belle Rose, and the person from Rottenburg Cathedral stood up. Belle Rose shook hands with the person from Rottenburg Cathedral and walked with Mrs Sprocket and Fatima back to the rest of the group. Belle Rose closed the box and held it close. Mrs Gloria noticed the box and was about to tell Belle Rose to give the box back. Mrs Sprocket shook and spoke. "The box Belle Rose holds close has two more medals and the person from here. It came from his grandfather, and two of Belle Rose's family members saved his grandfather's life." 

Mrs Gloria knew Belle Rose was stunned and in shock. They all went to lunch, and Belle Rose placed the box in her backpack. Belle Rose ensured the box was in her backpack and zipped it up. Belle Rose wiped the tears from her face and looked through the food menu. Mrs Gloria was intrigued about the box and how two of Belle Rose's family members saved the person from Rottenburg Cathedral's grandfather's life. 

The food came, and everyone ate. Belle Rose walked over to Mrs Gloria and Mr Alvin with her backpack. They glanced at her, and Belle Rose asked. "Do you mind if I talk to you two outside for a minute?" Mrs Gloria and Mr Alvin stood up from their table. The three of them went outside, and Belle Rose spoke. "I know you two are curious and intrigued about the box. Also about how two of my family members saved the person from Rottenburg Cathedral's grandfather's life." 

Mrs Gloria nodded and replied. "I am differently curious about both things and what did the person from Rottenburg Cathedral say to you." Belle Rose took a deep breath and spoke. "The person from Rottenburg Cathedral told me that he knew two of my family members because they saved his grandfather's life."