Get the book

They returned to the coach and returned to the hotel. Belle Rose was able to go to a bookstore and get the book. She apologised to the bookstore staff for being late in picking up the book, and they understood that she had to travel from where she lived in France to the hotel. Belle Rose paid for the book and went back to the hotel. Belle Rose sat at the desk and wrote more information about Hohenzollern Castle. Belle Rose noticed four chocolate bars on the desk, and Fatima spoke. "Mrs Sprocket came round while you were out and placed them there. She also told me we could have room service, and I wasn't sure what you wanted to have. I haven't decided which chocolate bar I want and what you want." 

Belle Rose knew Fatima was telling the truth and replied. "I can have the Wispa and Galaxy Cookie Crumble. You can have the last two, and why don't you look at the hotel room service on what they offer?" Fatima nodded and checked the room service menu. Belle Rose kept the book close to her as she wrote more information about the castle and peeked out the window. Belle Rose knew she had one more night before her life changed forever and knew it would not be the same again. Fatima came over and showed Belle Rose the menu. Belle Rose tore a piece of paper out of her notebook and wrote what she and Fatima wanted to have.

Belle Rose ordered the room service and placed the notebook and book of Hohenzollern Castle in her backpack. Room service arrived, and Belle Rose paid for the food. Belle Rose and Fatima had food. Belle Rose and Fatime could overhear the other girls talking. Belle Rose and Fatima stared at each other. They knew Anne, Elizabeth, Ellie, Harper, Leah, Lilly, Naomi, Nora, Ruby, and Zoe. They will try to get Prince Willem to fall in love with one of them, but Fatima knows in her heart that Belle Rose will be with Prince Willem for the rest of their lives. 

Fatima and Belle Rose got changed after they had done brushing their teeth. After placing the rubbish in the bed, they went to bed and got an early night. However, their female classmates stayed up and talked about Prince Willem. The teachers had to knock on the hotel doors and tell them to go to bed because they had a busy day. They also have an exciting day ahead, and eventually. Anne, Elizabeth, Ellie, Harper, Leah, Lilly, Naomi, Nora, Ruby, and Zoe went to bed. But in the hotel room that Luke and Nolan are using. Luke stared at the knife he had brought and evilly smiled to himself.

He went to bed after closing his backpack, and everyone had a good night's sleep. While Belle Rose slept, a fairy came to her with a rose, and the fairy spoke as she placed the rose in Belle Rose's hair. "Tomorrow, your life will change massively because it will not be the same again, and you will stay at Hohenzollern Castle with Prince Willem. You have to break a spell that he will be under, and he will keep you far away from your heartless parents and the man whom your worthless parents had chosen. You have to risk your life to save Prince Willem because Luke wanted to murder him and Ayers. Prince Willem will allow you to stay with him and will meet you with your classmates at the end of the tour." The fairy disappeared, and Belle Rose placed her left hand over the rose.

The tour guide, Annabella, arrived at the hotel for one night and spent the night at the hotel. The following morning, Belle Rose and Fatima prepared for the day. Fatima saw the rose in Belle Rose's hair and asked. "Belle Rose, where did that rose come from, and it is in your hair?" Belle Rose knew where Fatima was coming from and replied. "Last night, a fairy approached me and placed the rose in my hair. However, she told me that I had to risk my own life to save Prince Willem because Luke would murder him and Ayers. My life will change massively and won't be the same again. Prince Willem will let me stay at Hohenzollern Castle with him and keep me far away from my heartless parents and the man they had picked me to be. We must watch for Luke and stay away from the other girls."

They went downstairs and helped the hotel staff set the tables for breakfast. The hotel staff knew they (Belle Rose and Fatima) wanted to thank them for allowing them and their school group to stay. Their classmates and teachers came downstairs for breakfast. Belle Rose, and Fatima sat away from Anne, Elizabeth, Ellie, Harper, Leah, Lilly, Naomi, Nora, Ruby, and Zoe. Belle Rose and Fatima had their eyes on Luke. Belle Rose felt uneasy being around him and knew what he was planning to do. Mrs Gloria meets Annabella and introduces her to the teachers and students. Fatima and Belle Rose were the last two students Mrs Gloria introduced to Annabella. Belle Rose and Fatima allowed Annabella to sit with them. Annabella had breakfast before her and asked Belle Rose. "One of your teachers told me that you did some research about Hohenzollern Castle and did a drawing of the castle. Why did you want to do some research about Hohenzollern Castle?" 

Belle Rose knew she had a fair point and replied. "I have heard of Hohenzollern Castle but never visited it before. I don't think I have, and I wanted to know more about it. So, after we were told we would visit Hohenzollern Castle, I went straight to the library and started researching while at school. But I knew I had to buy a book nearby and learn more about the castle. I got the drawing and the information that I had done. With me in the hotel room, do you want me to get it for you before getting on the coach so you can read through the information and see the drawing?"