I am sorry for ruining the school trip

Belle Rose glanced at Aunt Victoria and spoke. "I am sorry for ruining the school trip, but I had no idea that Luke had two knives on him and what he had done." Aunt Victoria knew Belle Rose felt guilty for ruining the school trip, but she knew it was Luke's fault.

Aunt Victoria stroked Belle Rose's face and replied. "Belle Rose, it is not your fault because I did not know Luke had two knives on him either. However, what you did today was the bravest thing I have ever seen, and I will inform someone from Hohenzollern Castle about what will happen to you."

"Who do you want to stay with you while you are in the hospital?" Belle Rose reached her right hand towards her grandmother, Beth, and Grandma Beth took hold of Belle Rose's right hand. Everyone understood, and Aunt Victoria walked outside the hospital as she took her phone out.

Mrs Gloria knew she had to phone Mr Alvin and explain what was happening and the news to him. While Mrs Gloria was speaking to Mr Alvin, Victor, Belle Rose's uncle, knew he had to get Belle Rose's belongings from the hotel and leave his mother-in-law's belongings at the hospital. 

Belle Rose took some deep breaths and held back the tears from rolling down her face. Grandma Beth knew Belle Rose was trying not to cry and touched her right shoulder. Belle Rose knew her grandma was worried about her, and they waited for the surgeons to arrive. A porter, nurse, and surgeon came to take Belle Rose for her surgery. Grandpa Ben saw them and knew Belle Rose would have her surgery. 

The porter gently pushed Belle Rose, the nurse, the surgeon, and Grandma Beth to a lift. All five of them managed to get on the lift, which took them to the level of the surgeries. Belle Rose slowly calmed her heart down as the porter pushed her into the pre-operative holding area, and Grandma Beth whispered into Belle Rose's left ear.

"You can do this and think of being back at Hohenzollern Castle after you have recovered here at the hospital. I will see you after the surgery, and Grandpa Ben will take you back to Hohenzollern Castle after your discharge. Imagine being back at Hohenzollern Castle and showing your parents."

Belle Rose nodded, and a nurse led Grandma Beth out of the room. Belle Rose took some deep breaths and imagined being back at Hohenzollern Castle. The surgeon was able to remove the knives from Belle Rose as they stitched her left forearm, right calf leg, right ankle, and abdomen. They placed metal plates and screws on her right ankle.

Because they saw how severely injured her right ankle was, they knew Belle Rose would have crutches for five or six months. While Belle Rose had surgery, her Uncle Victor left the hospital with his children and went to the hotel. Fatima stood outside the hotel with Mrs. Sprocket, and Victor rushed to them. 

Fatima and Mrs Sprocket gave him Belle Rose's belongings. Victor nodded and drove back to the hospital. Victor and his children met up with Grandpa Ben and Grandma Beth. Grandma Beth saw Belle Rose's belongings and spoke. "Belle Rose is having her surgery, as I am speaking, and I was informed which ward she will be in. They have another bed in the side room that Belle Rose will have, and we have to wait until we hear any more."

"The surgeons have been able to remove the two knives from Belle Rose, but they gave them to the German police. The German police are interviewing Victoria because she was there when Belle Rose was attacked. The German police had asked me before interviewing Victoria if they could interview Belle Rose tomorrow. But they did say that if Belle Rose were not up for an interview with them, they would wait another day when Belle Rose was ready to talk to the German police."

Victor sighed with relief. Luke was the prime suspect, and Victor wanted to know why Luke was trying to attack the new heir to the Netherlands' throne. Victor stared at his parents-in-law and spoke. "I am glad Belle Rose saved the new heir to the Netherlands' throne and need to contact my family to inform them what is happening. They have treated Belle Rose like my second daughter, and I am guessing they would like to know what is happening now."

"Fatima is worried about Belle Rose, and Belle Rose's uncle is extremely worried about Belle Rose. I will be back in a minute but have to contact my parents and explain what is happening." Grandpa Ben nodded his head and spoke. "We understand, and you can leave your children here with us as we are not going anywhere right now. I don't blame Fatima and Belle Rose's uncle for worrying about her." Victor nodded and left his three children with their grandparents, as he would call his family in the Netherlands. 

Tarzan, Tasmin and Theo sat beside their grandparents as they waited for news. A surgeon approached Grandpa Bed, Grandma Beth, Tarzan, Tasmin and Theo. Grandma Beth and Grandpa Ben looked worried. The surgeon looked at them and spoke. "The surgery was successful, and Belle Rose is in the recovery room now. She would be shore all over, and it would take quite some time before she could walk normally. Who is staying here with Belle Rose?" "I am staying here with Belle Rose. Can we see her?"Grandma Beth replied, and the surgeon nodded as he spoke.

"You can see her; however, don't put any pressure on her stomach because it is still tender to touch." The surgeon led them to the recovery room, Victor managed to catch up with them, and they walked over to Belle Rose. Belle Rose slowly opened her eyes and saw her aunt's family. Belle Rose tried to see her grandma and spoke. "Grandma.." Grandma Beth took Belle Rose's right hand and replied. "I am here, Belle Rose, and you are out of surgery."