The Cough That Feeds the Flames

~Lima, Ohio, United States, Earth, Ceti Universe~

 Raven and Lynette found themselves curled up together on the couch watching the news once again. Kylette and Junior were cuddled up together asleep on the floor. Their red-haired pillow lay patiently listening to the news people discussing things she didn't understand. Hospitals nationwide were having to turn new patients away due to overcrowding. Crime rates, assaults in particular, were skyrocketing to new levels not seen since the Y2K scare over a decade ago. 

Raven looked down at Lynette, "I need to go to the store tomorrow morning when my check hits. I don't know when things are gonna go back to normal."

Lynette just nodded her head. Tears slowly rolled down her cheek. He didn't have to say anything, he knew she was afraid. Right then, all she wanted was her parents. They were hundreds of miles away though. Aside from her twin across town, the closest family she had was her oldest sister two states away. Her heavy eyelids popped open to the sound of an emergency broadcast. Their phones simultaneously beeped as well.







 She looked up at Raven, a grimace across his face. He tried to hide it when he noticed her looking but it was too late. It wasn't often that he was this concerned. He absently stroked her hair. Moments like this reminded her of why she had fallen for him. These moments made her regret choices she had made in their past and things she was considering for the future. She at least wanted to make sure he was happy and had someone before she made her final decision.

 Raven smiled down at her and changed the channel to her vampire show. A new episode was airing tonight and should hopefully take her mind off of the news. It wasn't long before they were lost in the make-believe world playing out before them. Struggling romances, old rivalries, and burning self-loathing- the norm with these shows.


Raven awoke early in the morning as it was the best time to hit the grocery stores. The crazies had mostly returned to their lairs and the snooty folks hadn't gotten their ten-dollar coffees yet. He turned on the news as he got himself ready.

"Lockdowns continue around the world. The CDC announced further restrictions on travel and social interaction this morning. Social distancing requires a mask and six feet in between individuals. Travelling in groups larger than two or three individuals is not recommended. We have also been asked to request everyone not to panic buy or hoard. Be sure to stock up on two weeks worth of food and home goods but beyond that, we expect this epidemic to resolve itself shortly."

He finished mixing his coffee and turned the television off. Of course, the government doesn't want us to buy up goods. What are they supposed to use if shit does hit the fan? He grabbed the keys to his Grand Prix and locked his trailer on the way out. Fifteen minutes later he was pulling into the parking lot. It was surprisingly packed for this time of day. He grabbed a cart once he found a parking spot. Inside things were not any better. Getting through checkout was going to be a nightmare. The lines extended back into the clothing department for as far as he could see.

Raven moved through the store as quick as he could without crashing into someone. Toilet paper, canned goods, anything that wouldn't go bad in a week. That's what he was supposed to get right? He skipped the meat department. Two fights were going on over there already. It looked like the scenes you see in all of those apocalypse movies. As soon as he finished his own version of Supermarket Sweep, he headed to the front of the store. Several people who seemed to be managers were trying to guide the chaos.

Almost an hour later, he was putting the cart worth of groceries away in the cabinets and storage shelves in the basement. While in the basement, he made sure to feed their illegal fowl. They had nearly forty birds between the two pens. His plans to sell them, give them away, or use them for a real-life game of angry birds was going to have to wait. Once finished, he went and showered. Then he sat down with Lynette.

"I got everything we should need for the quarantine."

She nodded absently.

"What's wrong?"

"Pops and Nanny have a really bad cough, like the virus that's going around," she said as a tear slipped down her face.

"Have they been to the doctor yet?"

She shook her head, "they refuse to go. Nanny says if she is sick, God will get her through this and Pops just outright refuses. Says if it's his time, it's his time."

Raven sighed and put his hand on her shoulder, "you know they're both too stubborn to leave everyone alone yet. Hell, Pops has a lot of schemes he has to try and get yer daddy into right?"

Lynette cough-laughed and nodded. She hoped her dad didn't leave South Carolina and go back to Florida. He had been doing so much better there with her other grandparents. He was supposed to be coming to visit in a couple weeks. She didn't even know if that was going to be possible if the quarantines were still in place. Not that he would listen to that anyways. Her dad wasn't one to be told what to do.

They chatted a bit more until the kids came wandering in groggily. Their attention shifted to their normal tasks. Lynette had one more day off until she had to be back to work and wanted to enjoy it. After breakfast, they went outside. The sun seemed to keep the Spring showers at bay for the time being. Margarets sons were both over. The older one was fiddling with his motorcycle while the younger one was working on her garden. Mitch, the elder, gave them his usual scowl. Carl however smiled and waved when he noticed them.

Raven looked around as the kids took off into the side yard for another day of screeching play and laughter. Candy appeared to be gone again. A weird puddle of glowing blue liquid lay on the ground where she normally parked. He started to think more and more how easy it would be to catch whatever it was going around. Did they already have it or were they lucky? Candy had hugged the kids and been really close to Lynette and himself. Hopefully wherever she went is safe. 


Three days after Candy's disappearance, Raven went outside to a flurry of activity next door. Four vehicles were blocking the alley. Individuals in sanitary suits were moving frantically around her house inside and out. Some sprayed while others carried things into her backyard and tossed them on a burning pile of household items. The variety of vehicles piqued his interest as none had any kind of "official" identification or license plates. 

Raven debated whether to approach them or not. Getting hauled away in the sketchy white panel van was the last thing he or his family needed. Something was off about them though. There were no suits or uniforms standing guard, police lines securing the scene, nothing that would add legitimacy to what was happening. After a fierce internal debate, he decided to approach the unusual sight.

The closest man turned to face him, "please stay back. That mask won't protect you sir."

"Yeah, well is there a reason ya'll are spraying or burning everything my neighbor owns?"

"Our friend contracted the Glowing Cough and we're trying to make sure her place is clean if she makes it back"

"What do you mean if she makes it back? Is the Glowing Cough what ya'll are calling this virus," Raven asked.

The man in the body suit moved his whole body in what seemed like a nod. He looked behind him to the others and then back to Raven, "look she's doin really rough man. I don't think she will make it outta this. I really hope ya'll haven't had contact with her. We have a dozen people down already that barely spoke to her before she collapsed."

With that, the man hurried back to his group. Raven scratched the back of his head as he walked back to the front of his house. He went in and sat down in his recliner. He hoped Margaret had missed Candys visit this time. He knew the two liked to gossip. Tough old bird that she was, he had a bad feeling in the pit of stomach. Her youngest son had been around a lot since she decided he would get the house when she passed. Her eldest though, he only came around when he wanted something signed or had a chance to piss on someone's day. They rarely came over together.