New moms?

Feeling regretful about the hidden feeling I was unable to uncover behind her smile. Just the fact she accept my lust filled requests for love. Means she holds some for of attraction to me right?

Then I had to leave before I could learn to love her not for her appearance but for her as a person. As now that I have been reborn I can't and won't(absolutely won't allow it) for my women to be treated as objects.

This is my life to live and my standards to follow i will live with my hypocrisy if i must but I won't be changing my values anytime soon.

[ So you have finally awoke from your internal monolog.]

'What??? Who the hell are you , wait are you the system my future wife was talking about'

[Wow what a way to remember me foolish host. But yes I am your system]

'Hehe sorry, but quick question but are you suppose to be my partner for life or something but not marriage or are you a women?'

[No you lust overdosed beast , I have no gender and if you want me to have one. You wil have to pay for it in the store you will eventually unlock. But regardless of that host. It is important that you pick a theme for me at this will dictate how I function and how I give you mission and rewards.]

Wait you are going let me decide this wasn't in my research but that just the new adventures of this new life, i guess!!!

Okay a theme I would have to um go with a-a-a-a desire system.

[Host has request a desire system. Initiating researh on desires of host old home and scanning host hidden and open desire. Will put host in to forced coma for 9 months. System will control host control until host regains consciousness.

Forced sleep will begin in 10...9...8...]

Wait, wait,um... system. Please wait have and I'm going to be forced to sleep


I said WAIT!!!

[...0. Forced sleep will begin]

Fuck well guess I'm sleeping...


In a city-sized elf village named Amonserin.

There is a humongous wooden castle that would put anything from Benjamin's old world look like an ant. As this castle is surrounded by other buildings and homes in the village.

Inside the tree castle,it can be seen that all the people present are anxious as maids can be seen running around the place from to get everything in order as one of the elfin princess has returned home with her wife and her new unknown child. Thus the maids need to get everything in order.

After the commotion, the elfin princess and her wife lay on the bed and place the child between them. As they gaze at the child peaceful sleeping face,one would won't be able to differentiate the difference between a girl or a boy from looking at the baby's face.

But this is of little concern to the two watching the baby.

One of the women speak" Isn't he just the cutest!! But what are we gonna name him."

The other responds" Well I do agree he is the cutest thing I've seen after you of course."

"Come Fen don't me that way." The lady pouts.

"Haha your so differently from your breedred. Your highness princess Fenmenor. Ouch! What was that for."

Fenmenor relys with a smirk" Well thats what you get for referring me by my title Archmage Nathalie Syltumal."

Nathalie fires back" Wow we haven't even gotten married yet and you have already given me your last name. Now what will you name him because I have a name I've chosen already."

"Well since you have a name ready. You can give our baby his name and he will inherit our last name Syltumal."Fenmenor answer with a remansinct smile on her face

Nathalie hearing this smiles at the consideration her partner is trying to give her about her situation.

Seeing this scene warms Nathalie's heart to have such a caring woman as a wife.

Nathalie overwhelmed with emotions leans in to kiss Fenmenor but they are(sadly)interrupted by the noise of a crying infant.

Fenmenor rushes to the baby with Nathalie not lagging too behind.

Arg! My stomach hurts! What am I hungry? Doesn't matter all I know is that I'm hungry!

What something was just put in my mouth I don't know what it is but I think it's Food! So I decide to try and bite whatever is in my mouth.

But when I do I feel a substance I think I've had before.

Well let me bite again to see what it is... i-it-it's milk. This one is different from the milk of Earth but this one tastes alot better than I remember but it's different milk that means that I'm getting breastfeed right? I gotta see if I'm right.

Opening my eyes a little bit I see I humongous white thing in my face which I only hope is a breast.

Nathalie" Fenmenor could you help me remove my robes please, I want Angus to be comfortable."


Fenmenor" Oh so that's the name you chose huh."

'Wait I think the people around me are talking about my name? Looks like I'm gonna be named Angus.


I can understand them how do I understand them I never learnt a new language...Forget it focus on milk now!

" Yes that the name I have chosen for this cute bundle of joy."Nathalie retorts back while she tickles Angus.

Hahahaha(baby laughing noises)

'Hahaha..stop it...ha..lady I drink..ha.. your...hahaha..

. milk...ha.'

Both ladies look at the child in Nathalie lap, as he laughs and struggles to drink the milk he so desperately wants!

Fenmenor speaks with determination" We must protect and love him dearly."

Nathalie responds with a smirk"Yes my love ,we will spoil him rotten."

Huh I guess they want the protect me,huh. Wait I haven't even open my eyes yet(that peek earlier doesn't count).

Well I'm constantly being disturbed by the overwhelming sensations like milk,milk,new language and milk again but anyways, I need to see if the breast I'm drinking from is my mom(how will I know, well I don't know)

Angus struggles to open his eyes but are opening them he is blinded by the light.

Feel pain in his eyes he begins to cry again.

'Arg! That fucking hurt and why am I crying again.'

[Host you are crying because your eyes are too sensitive right now and aren't used to receiving light.]

'Wait aren't you the system that put me in a coma?'

[Yes host, you were put in a forced emergency coma]

'Wait why are you talking now?

What was that?

I think it was the sound of a burst of wind and I SUDDENLY FEEL AS IF I'M BEING LIFTED.'

"What wrong sweetie was the light to strong for you.Huh?"

'No-no I'm fine no need to worry yourself lady.'

[Host you are a 5 month old baby. You can't talk yet]

Wait I'm a baby now and I'm already five months old already! I should still be able to drink milk right ?

[Yes host your body is still in need of breastmilk.]

Mmm, wait?why did you answer that?! You know what nevermine.

I need to see the person picking me up.

Opening my eyes for the first in this world(not counting meeting Asuna or earlier) I'm met with a beautiful sight. A face that seems to be looking at me with an immensely amount of love( I think). So this is my mother huh. Well from her face my father is definitely a lucky man.


My mom? begins to shake me as she shouts " Fen, Fen,Fen,FEN! ANGUS IS OPENING HIS EYES."

An unknown feminine voice responds" NATHALIE YOUR HURTING HIM. STOP!"

My mom?who was shakes me realize what she was doing and puts me on a soft surface.

The softness of the surface I'm on is so comfy that it could put any mattress I've slept on to shame.

Anyways back to my mom who is getting scolded?by another lady. The lady called her "Nathalie " I think.

So my mom's name is "Nathalie" which is a fitting name for my mom who seems to blessed with that milf body of having big breast but having a bigger ass.

Damn I hope in this world you can marry your mom or something cause damn I would tap that ass.


Moving on that other lady who is talking to my mom is also smoking hot she is the other side of milf with a big ass but bigger breast. WAIT aren't these my requests that my first (future) wife granted?

[ Yes host you would be correct. The ladies in front of you are Fenmenor Syltumal and Nathalie Syltumal. These two are your birth mothers.]

That's AMAZING. So I got a new mom, no ,two new moms,huh.

But system why am I feeling so sleepy, I can't even hear my mom's conversation anymore?

[ Host that's is because you haven't been able to adjust to your new body and your soul is out of sync with your brain's underdevelopment.Thus your body has naturally resorted to fixing itself through your sleep.]

Okay I didn't get all of it but I'm gonna sleep now okay night Anglia.

[Good night host and should I change "system" name to "Anglia" name?.]

Yea,ye...a,whatever I thouggghhhhttt Anglia was a goooodd nammeee for y...ou.

(Baby sleeping noises)

[Thank you host for my name >_<]
