young master

(Panting sound)

"Ugh I'm done! And I'm fucking tried you damn system. "

After take a deep breath. I sniff myself.

"Damn I stink! Let's call her to get the bath ready."

Prepared to shout. I scream"Miss Amber, please come here."

I hear a response from in front of the door."May I come in young master."

'Oh yeah I think this is a good time to say I'm am member of the no clothes sleeping. As I want to be able to penetrate at anytim...Ahem I mean I want to be comfortable at all time but it's fine. It's Miss Amber.'

"Yes you may enter Miss Amber."I answered unconcerned by me being naked.

"Thank young master."she politely responds back.

Entering through the door is a beast woman with horns on her head and a cow bell around her neck. This woman is dress in a very tight and small proactive french maid outfit. As the clothes can barely contains her humongous tits.

The tight clothing just highlights her exaggerated curves. As she has bigger hips than mommy Nathalie which is impressive. But that's the advantage of giving birth and being from the cowfolk.

Miss Amber is my personal maid as I asked mamma Fenmenor for a cow beastwoman that could be my assistant at all times.

I mean I'm a young master if you didn't realize ,so if I don't use my family connection to get what I want ,I would be disrepecting all the transmigrated or reincarnationed mcs of that come before me.

'Miss Amber has mostly black skin with big white spots on her body. And her face just gives you that motherly aura that you just want to fuck.

Um...moving on. I've just been laying on the floor while Miss Amber stands over me. This reminds me of the request I made to her recently.'

"Miss Amber I have a request. I know my mommy asked everyone not to wear their underwear.

But when I call you to my room and I'm on the floor please come in and squat over my face so I can suck on your area."

" Your wish is my command" she responds unfazed my my scandalous request.

After miss Amber squats she says" You may begin,young master." With a higher pitch as she trys to hide her shyness.

'Hearing how cute my mature maid is just makes me want to taste her. And that is what a do and I think I'm in love.'

'Because as unreasonable as it sounds she taste like ICE CREAM!'

"Miss Amber you taste absolutely amazing did you do something." I question because how the hell does a pussy taste like ice cream.

It's takes a while for miss Amber to answer but when she does she is hesitant" Young Master I did nothing to my area. I did was get sexual aroused by your licking and staring."

" If that is the case I should thank you by make sure to clean your area, right Miss Amber".

'Haha being a child is amazing as I can say these outrageous things because I'm still a child.'

"Thank you young master." She answer back with a soft voice.

And dig in to the sloppy mess of a pussy that Miss Amber so graciously provided for me.

While I'm enjoy the taste of ice cream, I hear muffled moans." Arg, haa...mmm"

Hearing this encourages me to push hard and for such a splendid pussy I shall activate my secret technique[ Ever reaching tongue]

[Ever reaching tongue]

[Skill bought from the desire system.

This skill enables the user to have a tongue that can reach any depths of a pussy to leave any woman trembling in pleasures.

(This skill can not be leveled up)

This skill will grant the user + 60 upon activation]

<5 minutes later>

"I'm sorry young master, I'm so sorry!" She repeated said as she kneels in front of me.

I know serious situation just happened that could of ended my life but to sum it up are making her climax.

She lost feeling in her legs so I got really up close and personal with her pussy. For how long I dont know all I know is that it was beautiful.

Now back to the present having this mature and lust inducing lady bowing down to me filling me with a sense of unknown pride.

But no... this is bad she isn't bowing to me she is bowing to my backing(aka my moms). Shit! After realizing this I don't feel so happy anymore.

"Damn it." I shout out.

"Young ma-ma-master what seems to be the problem."She responds to my shout will a scared expression.

Disrefarding her expression I answer in an irritated tone" No need to panic. I'm just frustrated at myself but moving on you are for given on the grounds you sleep with me when my parents are out like now. Agreed "

It takes awhile for her to process that she is forgiven"Yes,yes thank you forgiving me young master I will follow your orders more faithful and I will listen to ev..."

"Okay,okay that's enough please go get the bath ready" I interrupt her as I don't know when she will stop.

Realize she is making yet another mistake she gets up and walks towards the bathroom.

After she leaves.

[Congratulations host for completing the hidden mission Smothered by a pussy]

[You have been rewarded 1 lottery ticket,smothering resistance lv1, 10000 points]

Mmm that's not bad I mean for almost dying form a pussy this is not a bad reward but the most precious is definitely the lottery ticket and that means I can use it any in the gacha games available in the store.

But let's save it as I've already had accident this morning and I'll probably take long in the bath with Miss Amber.

"Okay let's go.." I say after pick myself off the floor and walking out this expanded gym room as I think mommy Nathalie said that she add space magic so the room is bigger on the inside than it looks like on the outside.

The gym room is fill will the latest equipment of this world. Some of the equipment was in my old world but some if it's completely new to me but I must admit walking out of this room.

The color scheme of this room is very cool as the walls of the room are black with moving stars on them.

Most of the equipment is colored different colors according to the weight as the light weight in here is color white. This make the entire area seem colorful as the walls look like space.

Though that's enough admiring. I mean it's important to be humble or that's what the cultivation novel masters always say. So I will admire the little things in my life but I will focus on the big things.

Like now for example I'm going to such on some cow milk while I'm bathing as again I'm a young master gotta enjoy my life.

Oh the young master is so kind as he forgave me even though I fell on him. But he did ask me to sleep with him when his parents aren't home.

"But that's just the child in home looking for a mother figure. As I've been told by my friends that I've always looked like a good mother. I guess they are right as my daughter turned out amazing. So I will look after young master Angus in your absences Mistress Fenmenor." I Saud with a determined mind.

But since he has been deprived of his mother's touch I should indulge him in any request he will make.

But speaking of request young master Angus is going to become a lady killer as he is already skill in pleasing a woman with his mouth and his appearance will be able to capture ladies hearts around the world.

Thus it is my job to educate him and protect him from the slu...ahem I'm mean unfaithful women of the world.

"Um, Miss Amber can you please help me get this off! He said as I hear grunt as he struggling to take something thing off.

Hearing this struggle reminds me that young master Angus is still a child as he is only 3 three years old.

But he is part human so his advanced growth is understandable but the exercising that's confusing as I have been alive for a long time but a child exercise at 3 years old with the intensity of a 8 is illogical and completely crazy but when it happens to in my face I must... accept it'.

"Um Miss Amber are you still coming?"

Oh yes, yes I'm coming young master."

I can't believe me today! Is the young master licking still affecting me? No it's time to focus and act on young master Angus's orders!
