Leaving His Mark

** Harper **

This was … not what Harper expected at all, but she liked it. Loved it, every time when Eli let out this hidden side of him and showed her just how possessive he could get.

Maybe jealousy really wasn't so bad of a way to spice things up?

She sighed in dizzying satisfaction as he dove hard into her mouth, claiming her breath with a greedy and urgent sort of hunger. Capturing her tongue, he suckled in a way utterly unlike the gentleness he showed the night before, and as she fumbled to catch up with the unfamiliar advances, his hand snaked around the back of her head, digging into her hair to angle her precisely the way he wanted for deeper access.

Even his scent was so overpowering, crashing over her in an all-consuming tide. The hint of his Manhattan still lingered on his tongue, and the herbal spiciness blended in perfectly into his own masculine taste, making her intoxicated. From effects that weren't just a result of the alcohol itself.