She Would Love You

** Eli **

As soon as the words left his lips, Eli felt an embarrassing urge to … blush. Damn, that was cheesy. Since when had he ever said such a cheesy thing in such a serious tone?

Fortunately, again, Harper was too hazy-minded to notice anything odd. She fluttered those pretty lashes and chuckled at the prompt. "Oh, we've got a long list to go through then," she declared. "Let's see … I want to go on a camping roadtrip again. Just the two of us, on that mountain where we first saw those shooting stars. I have lots of new wishes to make and lots of new checkboxes to complete, now that I finally get to share a tent with you."

Eli raised an amused eyebrow, recalling the reminisce of their last camping trip a few nights ago under the stars. Alright, maybe that previous conversation had been just as cheesy as the current one … and he didn't mind tracking back into the same territory again.