Deathly grip

Lesson learned, no such thing as a good zombie. 

To Charm it felt like her lungs were going to collapse.

As the air passing through her windpipe was purposefully blocked.

Was Miguel tempted to let the zombie extinguish her life?

He could see Charm struggling with a myriad of emotions as her life flashed before her eyes.

Miguel sighed.

Charm's gullibility would be cute if her death wouldn't be an amplifier for the demons.

Her strangled face had almost turned completely blue.

So Miguel let the zombie feel like it was winning before he made his next move. 

He couldn't shoot from far because it would mean putting Charm's life in even more danger with the risk of a stray bullet hitting her instead.

Charm was still struggling to pry off the zombie's deathly grip with her fingers. 

Miguel wanted to go about it with the least injury to himself.