Through the eyes of a killer

When Deanna opened her eyes she was no longer in the bathroom.

In truth, she was nowhere near Isla Serpiente, Deanna wasn't even in her own body.

She was out in some backwoods watching two teenagers make out. 

Instantly Deanna recognises the blonde girl from her school. 

Her name was Amerie Bradley and she was a popular cheerleader, beloved by her friends with a bright future ahead of her. 

Deanna gasped. 

The other teenager was dressed similarly to a boy had black hair but when she turned around Deanna saw that it was Kelly Stewart.

The one that everyone called "Butch" behind her back but innocent Deanna hadn't grasped the meaning until now. 

A tree limb crashes to the ground causing Amerie to jump frightened out of her skin but Kelly only took one look and went back to kissing Amerie.

"Stop it," said Amerie while pushing Kelly off her.