False assumptions

Even though she wanted to have a look at the burnt out shell of the old school nurse compound it would have to wait until another day because the rain started drizzling hard.

Zinc and Charm ran back to her dorm before the rain started to pour.

"You didn't have to follow me back to the dorm," said Charm.

"It wasn't an inconvenience. I would have to pass your dorm anyways to get to the school's administration block," replied Zinc.

Natural silence fell between them again, Charm could feel like Zinc wanted to talk but Charm wasn't in the mood to encourage him.

Thankfully Zinc didn't linger after they exchanged goodbyes. 

Her thoughts returned to the memorial site, she didn't want to make false assumptions. 

Charm wanted to search for clues that could connect the demon from her vision to the one that had been stalking Isla Serpiente around the time arsonry had been committed.