A bad omen

As he tossed and turned in bed, the soft Egyptian full sized sheet spread that Charm had loved so much on his bed now lay entangled around Brendan's body.

He clutched the pillow so tightly that it looked as if he was squeezing the life out of it.

His shoulder length blonde curly hair was soaked with perspiration.

Brendan had no control over his body as he thrashed around wildly about on the feather filled soft mattress. 

From his lips escaped loud horrific moans that woke his roommate and best friend from his sleep.

He kept crying out, saying a name, pleading over and over again to spare that person's life but it sounded like he was too late and was crying out in vain. 

"Brendan… Brendan…" Adam said softly.

He climbed out of his own bed when he realized that Brendan was so deep in sleep he couldn't hear Adam's voice.