Code and Reality

Wesley sat in his chair, the system's translucent screen floating before him. "What to choose, what to choose," he muttered under his breath, his eyes scanning the list of knowledge available within his budget. Each entry held the promise of new skills and insights, but he was looking for something specific, something that resonated with his passion and dreams.

His eyes stopped on an entry that sparked an immediate interest: [Advanced Game Development] – 10,000 KP. The description read, "Revolutionize game simulations with advanced and efficient coding techniques." Wesley inhaled sharply, the decision made. "Damn, all the points are going to be gone. It's now or nothing," he said, pressing the button to confirm his choice.

The moment he clicked, the knowledge began assimilating into his mind with astonishing rapidity. Within a couple of seconds, his eyes widened in amazement. "Holyy shittttttt," he laughed out loud, a sense of exhilaration washing over him as he recalled all the information he had just absorbed.

Energized by his newfound knowledge, Wesley opened his laptop and navigated to the official GitHub repository for Unreal Engine 5. He began upgrading the code, his fingers flying over the keyboard, translating the advanced concepts he had just learned into tangible improvements. Hours passed as he worked tirelessly, the day slipping by unnoticed.

After completing the upgrades, Wesley compiled the code, anticipation building within him. "If what I've learned holds up, this should significantly enhance efficiency in rendering, fps, occlusion, computing time, and even expand the engine's capabilities with nanite technology," he thought.

As the compilation finished and Wesley ran the updated engine, it worked flawlessly, exceeding even his high expectations. Elated, he took a snippet of the upgraded code and drafted an email to Epic Games, outlining the adjustments he had made.

"Whew, well, it's done," he exhaled, feeling a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. "Time to catch some sleep and hope things play out well."

Wesley then opened the system again and noticed a new notification: ding +1,000 KP. "Hmmm, what's this notification?" he wondered. A sense of realization dawned on him. "Ohhh, I gained KP from simply using the knowledge to create or upgrade something. Interesting," he mused. "This will make things easier."

With newfound enthusiasm, Wesley decided to extend his efforts. "Well, while we're at it, I guess I should do some other upgrades for different engines and software. Unity is next on the list, and then I'll look at some patches and slight upgrades for the Quest 2. That should provide me with enough resources to expand my reach in other areas."


**Friday, May 25th, 10:00 am in Cary, North Carolina**

At Epic Games' headquarters, the sound of rushing footsteps echoed through the hallways. "Sir, you need to take a look at this," the Director of the Development team said urgently as he entered the CEO's office.

"What is it?" asked the CEO, looking up from his work.

"We received an anonymous email from someone who claims to have overhauled our engine, increasing its efficiency across various components by 20 to 50 times our current benchmarks."

"Is this factual?" the CEO asked, his interest piqued.

"From the snippet he sent, which he stated was free for us to use, yes... it's exceptionally well done. Frankly, no one on our team could have achieved this in even a year's span... and this is just a small set."

"How much does he want?" inquired the CEO, a mix of curiosity and skepticism in his tone.

"He's asking for compensation and has requested an in-person meeting to discuss the details."

"Hmm... respond and tell him we'll schedule a meeting for Monday. Have my assistant set it up," the CEO instructed.


**12:00 pm, Dallas, Texas**

Back in Dallas, Wesley's phone pinged with a new email notification. "YES!" he exclaimed, startling the patrons in the coffee shop around him. He quickly dialed his dad, excitement bubbling in his voice.

"Dad, we're flying out to Cary, North Carolina, for a business meeting with Epic Games," Wesley explained, his words tumbling out in a rush.

"Business meeting? What's this about, son?" his father, Andrew Barnes, asked, a mix of curiosity and surprise in his voice.

Wesley explained the code upgrades he had implemented and the need for a lawyer well-versed in technology and law. Andrew, an experienced attorney, listened in astonishment, pride swelling in his chest at his son's accomplishment.

After receiving the email from Epic Games, Wesley left the coffee shop, a spring in his step. The promise of the meeting in North Carolina was a beacon of hope, a validation of his newfound abilities and the potential of the mysterious system. He headed back to his house, his mind already strategizing his next moves.

Back at his desk, Wesley fired up his PC and dove into the task of upgrading Unity and the Quest 2. The knowledge assimilated from the system fueled his work, allowing him to make enhancements that would have been unthinkable just days before. His plan was clear: secure the deal with Epic, then approach the other two companies with his improvements.

As he was deep in concentration, his phone rang, snapping him out of his focused state. It was Kohen. "Yo, what's up?" Wesley answered.

"Hey, my boy, you wanna come out with Keaton and me?" Kohen's voice came through the phone, lively and inviting. "We're gonna grab a few drinks and probably head back to our place later to just hang out and play some Smash Bros. You down?"

"Um, I don't have anything else going on, so sure," Wesley replied, realizing a break might do him good.

Walking towards the bar to meet Kohen and Keaton, Wesley spotted them from a distance. Kohen stood about 5'10" with a good frame, his blonde wavy hair and blue eyes a stark contrast to his brother. Keaton, of similar height but with a leaner build, had long brown hair styled in a half-up, half-down manner, reaching down to his shoulders.

"Hey, guys," Wesley greeted as he approached.

"What's up!" both brothers responded in unison, welcoming Wesley warmly.

Inside the bar, they found a spot and sat down, each ordering a beer. The conversation flowed easily, covering various topics from recent movies to old college memories. Turning to Keaton, Wesley asked, "How's the pilot's license coming?"

Keaton sighed, a mix of frustration and passion in his voice. "It's hard, man. I love flying, but it's expensive. Luckily, I'm only a few hours away from getting my commercial license. If it wasn't for my eyesight, I would've tried to become a fighter pilot."

"Damn, well, good shit for getting close to finishing! You'll have to fly me around once you're done!" Wesley said, impressed.

"Hahah, yeah, I can do that," Keaton replied with a chuckle.

As the night progressed, the conversation ebbed and flowed, the camaraderie between the friends evident. Eventually, they headed back to Kohen's apartment, ready to unwind with a few rounds of Smash Bros.

The casual, friendly atmosphere was a welcome change for Wesley. Amidst the laughter and playful competition, he found a moment of respite from the whirlwind of developments in his life. It was a reminder of the simple joys, the bonds of friendship that had sustained him through the ups and downs of college and were still a crucial part of his life.

As they played, Wesley's mind occasionally drifted to the upcoming meeting with Epic Games and the potential future that lay ahead. But for now, he was content to be in the moment, enjoying the company of his friends and the familiar thrill of the game.

The night wound down, and Wesley headed home, feeling rejuvenated. The challenges and opportunities that awaited him were just on the horizon, but he knew that with his friends by his side and the mysterious system at his disposal, he was ready to face whatever came next.