Researchers Dream!

Inside a massive lab, where the walls were white with metal piping, various electrical equipment and other supplies cover the area. In the middle of the room, tables with various tech, materials such as different types of alloys, and computers are stationed. Then at the back of the room, is a big glass wall where looking through seems to be a massive metal ring with various pipes and intricate wiring leading to it. Along the outside of the ring, there are various metal pathways leading all around the ring to monitor and observe the reactor. 

"Working here is a literal dream come true! We are so close to being able to achieve nuclear fusion and given in a few years we should hopefully be there. Having unlimited funds and resources has greatly increased our progress." A man dressed in a lab coat with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Agreed. However, the complications we have run into. Are still similar to what we were dealing with a few years ago. We have been able to reach a proper temperature, but we cannot maintain it to generate enough energy to power anything." A woman in a similar lab coat stated.

"Haaa, the plasma is finally getting to the temperature but the stability is the issue. Even with that we are able to generate a slight amount of positive energy for the brief time it is stable, but this is far from ready. No matter, we will eventually hit our goal." The researcher said with a determined look. 


As Wesley entered the virtual world, he looked upon the Researchers city in content. Walking through the streets he noticed various people with different equipment and lab gear on, chatting with people within their department or alongside people from other research fields. This atmosphere generated a sense of belonging and passion for the known and unknown. 

Approaching one of the people walking his way, Wesley curiously asked the young man "Sorry to interrupt you from your work, but I am curious as to what you have been working on?" 

"Oh yes sir! Well I am currently working on eco-friendly floating platforms to be placed in water that are strong enough to hold up multiple buildings. This way we can save land on our planet while also building on water without greatly damaging sea life. The resources used are also beneficial in nature to aquatic life, where we use similar materials seen in coastal reefs to be used as a home for various creatures." The young man stated with excitement seen in his eyes. 

"Impressive, what is the maximum weight that these platforms can hold?" Wesley asked, thinking of the possibilities of the future.

"As of now roughly 200,000 tons. We already have some of these platforms produced; however, we are working with other departments that are researching new allows, this way we can integrate both strength and lightweight material to be used so we can increase the weight capacity. Our goal is to be able to reach 700,000 tons." stated the researcher with pride. 

(Author notes: 700,000 tons is enough to support 2 empire state buildings on top of the platform).

"Wow, that is impressive! I am looking forward to your progress." Wesley said with a satisfied smile regarding the fast progress of the research happening within the city. 

"Orion, where is the nuclear fusion facility from here, it is about time we speed some things up further around here…" 

[Orion] "Continue down this path sir, and at the end of the road the building on your right is where the Nuclear department is."

"Thank you. Also Orion, how is the situation with Sophia right now?" Wesley asked.

[Orion] "I sent her information regarding some of the board members of the Alastair family. She is currently scheduled to meet with a variety of them over the course of the next two weeks." 

"Good, things are slowly falling into place." 

Upon arriving at the Nuclear Department, Wesley made his way through the building and observed as hundreds of researchers were engrossed in their work, not wanting to lose a second of concentration. Finally arriving at the main room to look upon the reactor, Wesley called over a few researchers and told them that he was going to be giving a helping hand regarding the research. Thus Wesley called upon the system and opened the shop:

[Current KP: 10,000,000]


Scrolling through the shop Wesley selected [Nuclear Fusion & Fission] which had sadly gone up quite a bit in price from when he first got the system. It was now priced at 1,200,000 KP. Thus dropping his KP by a margin. However there was one last thing of information he wanted to get.

'I need something that can help transfer this information to the researchers. I do not want to have to enter all this information I have gained through a computer. I need to be able to instantly give them this knowledge similar to how the system gives me access to such knowledge.' Wesley thought. Filtering through the system and searching he found the following:

[Mind Assimilation] 

Details: The knowledge to install, remove, or transfer information from the mind. 

'Hmmm this could work. I could give this information to Orion, then he can scan my brain and install the information directly to the database for the researchers. Instantly reducing our troubles. I can also use this in the future for the researchers' information to then be assimilated into my mind if need be.' 

Thus after Wesley purchased both the different types of knowledge, it began to assimilate in his mind. Afterwards he quickly began to enter the information regarding [Mind Assimilation] into the computer database in Research City for Orion to use. After a few hours in the True Virtual Reality, Wesley finished uploading all the information regarding the subject. 

"Orion, go ahead and scan my brain for the information regarding Nuclear Fusion and Fission." 

[Orion] "Yes sir, one moment." 

[Orion] "Done."

Orion instantly uploaded all the information for the researchers to use, forwarding their progress to completion and allowing them to use the given information for further experimentation in other fields. 

"Orion now that you have my brain scanned can you scan it regarding the wisps knowledge and use the data?"

[Orion] "Yes and no, I can download the information to our database; however, actually using it and gaining insight would be troublesome since it is unknown. In simplest terms, it is like handing complex calculus integration to a toddler. They just see scribbles."

"Hahah, yeah I thought so; however, since you can scan my whole brain can you create copies of me?" Wesley thought with a spark in his eyes.

[Orion] "I see where you are going with this sir, and yes this is definitely feasible. This could provide us insight to your abilities and allow our researchers to also uncover information regarding these wisps." 

"Good good, create another building for the research into mana and these wisps so we can understand how to effectively use my powers better, even though I only have one wisp of knowledge right now." 

[Orion] "Yes sir, right on it" 

Instantly, another building began to form on the other side of the town where in the building, various people began to spawn; however, they all had the same brain as the current Wesley, but with one main difference. Their only objective was to uncover the knowledge regarding Wisps and provide research in this field.