Reminiscing Memories II

Sophia satisfied of the outcome of the exchange between her and Mr. Palmer. Excited for the future that is to come and for the revenge to be taken in time. Her shoulders bear a burden placed upon herself. Thinking of when times were different, in the tranquil ambiance of her father's office, a teenage girl finds herself immersed in the pages of a book, the words dancing before her eyes as she loses herself in the narrative. The room, a sanctuary of thought and leadership within their family home, is filled with the soft hum of concentration and the underlying warmth of familial bonds. Her father, a figure of quiet strength and dedication, sits behind his vast desk, his focus unwavering as he pores over the documents that shape the course of their family's enterprises. The air is thick with the scent of old leather and the subtle spice of his cologne, mingling to create an aroma that speaks of tradition and the comforting continuity of home.

The girl, her mind teeming with the tales of heroines and adventurers from her book, can't help but draw parallels between the fictional narratives and the real-life saga of her own family's legacy. The office, with its towering bookshelves laden with volumes of history and strategy, its walls adorned with portraits of ancestors who had each played their part in building their lineage, serves as a tangible reminder of the weight of heritage and the role she is expected to play in its ongoing narrative. The soft ticking of the antique clock on the mantle, a sentinel of time, marks the passing moments, a metronome to the silent symphony of work and study that unfolds within these walls.

Amidst this cocoon of legacy and learning, the girl lifts her gaze from her book, her eyes resting on her father's absorbed figure. A mixture of admiration and a burgeoning sense of responsibility stirs within her, compelling her to voice a question that has been quietly shaping itself in the recesses of her mind. "Dad, when will I take your place in the family and lead our family in our businesses?" she asks, her voice a blend of curiosity and earnestness. The question hangs in the air, a delicate bridge between generations, between the past and the yet-to-be.

Her father, his concentration momentarily broken, looks up from his work, his eyes meeting hers. In that glance, she sees not just the businessman, the patriarch, but her dad – a man warmed by the knowledge that his daughter cares deeply for their lineage and the legacy they uphold. His response, imbued with the wisdom of experience and the foresight of one who has navigated the complexities of leadership, is both a reassurance and a gentle reminder of the patience required in the face of ambition. He tells her that the mantle of leadership is not merely handed over by the passage of time but is a responsibility that finds its bearer when the moment is ripe with readiness and necessity.

As he speaks of waiting, of the right time, and of the pride he will feel on the day she is ready to step into the role that awaits her, the girl listens, absorbing not just his words but the weight of the love and expectation they carry. 'I'm almost there, dad. I'm almost there.' Sophia thinking to herself, determined to become the head of the family. Realizing the self-imposed weight upon her shoulders. 

**Buzzt Buzzt** 

Looking down, Sophia grabs her phone to see who has sent her a message. Noticing it is an unknown id, she opens the message. 

 "Congratulations on your meeting with Mr. Palmer, I will be looking forward to your success among the board members." the message stated.

Reading the message Sophia is conflicted, grateful for the anonymous person's support in her endeavors, but also scared by the prowess of this person or 'entity' that far exceeds even her family. Her curiosity getting the better of herself replies back to the unknown id. 

"Who are you?" Sophia typed.

"I am merely a supporter of your goals, but in time I will reveal who I am." the unknown id responded back. 

"Why are you helping me? What do you want in return?" Sophia responded, knowing far too well that in this world nothing is free. 

"Helping you become the head of the family will help me in a variety of ways, that I will eventually discuss with you in time, but I also will need you to return the favor at some point to help me in the future. However the favors will not be burdensome upon your family. That I can assure you" the unknown id replied back.

'Whew, okay I can work with this. Right now I need to focus on the task at hand.' Sophia thought to herself as she began preparing for her upcoming meeting with another board member and the other board members in the following days. 

Over the course of the next week, Sophia visited the various board members and brought them onto her side through various means that were provided to her. She used blackmail in previous business dealings, illegal activities, or behavior that goes against the family. With this, she secured full support from the board and now had the leverage to bring her step-mother down when the time to strike was right. 

'Dad, I miss you…. I will make you proud. I promise.' Sophia thought to herself as the week progressed. After her father passed away, her life changed drastically, her step-mother assumed control of the family and the warmth she had when she was with Sophia's father disappeared. Whether it was a facade or her father passing away turning her cold, she could not tell. However what she did know was that her step-mother never cared for her the same, and that was all that mattered. Her step-mother only cared for her actual daughter, further driving the gap between her and Aurora, wishing things could have been vastly different. 


"Ma'am I am sorry to bother but I have some news for you." the assistant stated.

"What is it?" Aurora asked with furrowed brows as her peace was disturbed. 

"We have been monitoring Sophia as instructed and over the course of this week she has visited every single board member of the family." 

"Hmmmm, why? What does she hope to gain from them? They are all loyal to me and my mother?" Aurora replied.

"That is what we are still trying to uncover Ma'am, we have no word of what the conversation was within her meetings with them, but our most likely guess is that she is trying to make backward deals with all the members to support herself financially once you assume control." the assistant replied with anxiousness in her tone.

"Interesting, that makes sense; however, let us be cautious. Continue to monitor the situation and update me on any other changes." 

"How is the situation with Mr. Barnes?" 

"Still the same as before ma'am. With his security team, we have not been able to gain access to his company building. However, the company continues to surge in popularity and fame across the globe for his revolutionary developments within the tech industry." the assistant stated.

"Dammit, if mother is not going to do anything then I will. We need to force him into submission, this way our investments in the tech industry do not continue to drop. We need to wrap him around our finger like what we have done with others whether Mark, or Elon. Go ahead and pursue government action against his company and inform me on the developments." Sophia stated with greed and ambition seen in her eyes.

'If mother won't make a bold move now, then I will be the one to settle things. I refuse to lose in any industry we have our hands in.' thinking to herself about the praise her mother will give her for her bold and genius tactics to make those beneath her submit to her will.