First Encounter

After a seamless descent from the air, Wesley's Gulf Stream touched down with a whisper on the airstrip, marking the end of his journey back home. The transition from the confines of high-altitude travel to the familiar surroundings of his domain was both comforting and invigorating. Stepping off the jet, Wesley inhaled deeply, refreshed from the air that he knows as home, grounding him in the reality of his expansive endeavors.

Without delay, Wesley met with his security team and departed back to his apartment for the time that was still left in the states. Upon arriving back home, Wesley needed to visit the research city. Thus immersing himself in the Minerva Simulation, as he navigated through the simulated streets, the virtual environment buzzed with the energy of discovery, each sector alive with the pursuit of knowledge.

In the heart of the city, Wesley convened with a select group of virtual researchers, their avatars a diverse representation of human knowledge and passion for growth. The meeting unfolded in a dedicated conference space, where holographic displays floated mid-air, showcasing the latest advancements in various fields. Wesley listened intently as one researcher detailed a breakthrough in sustainable energy capture, harnessing the power of virtual suns. Another presented a prototype of a nanomaterial with self-healing properties, its applications ranging from medical devices to structural repairs in space exploration. Another researcher showed his finished work on treatment tanks, they were filled with a fluid that allowed the human to breathe within the water like substance. The treatment tank had a variety of features such as, healing those severely injured, improving genetics, or even help in a mental way by allowing the user to go into a deep therapeutic rem sleep to help combat PTSD and other mental issues. 

The discourse was rich with technical jargon and speculative theories, yet Wesley navigated the conversation with ease, his own knowledge augmented by the system's evolution and his insatiable curiosity. The exchange was more than an assessment; it was a collaborative dance of intellects, pushing the boundaries of what was deemed possible.

Transitioning from the bustling center of the city, Wesley ventured to a quieter district, where the research on Wisps was concentrated. Here, the atmosphere was charged with a different kind of intensity, one that bordered on the mystical. The researchers in this sector were delving into the realms that bridged science and the arcane, seeking to understand and harness the powers of the Wisps. Wesley observed their experiments, a fusion of technology and ethereal energies, with a keen interest. The potential of the Wisps to revolutionize not just technology but the very fabric of reality was a prospect that Wesley found exhilarating. One area that piqued Wesley's interest was uncovering how mana actually worked alongside the Wisps and if this "mana" could be used as an energy source instead of other methods that were currently known.

Amidst the virtual exploration, a thought crystallized in Wesley's mind—the need to confront the unfolding real-world drama involving the Alastair family. The decision to meet with Sophia was not taken lightly, given the intricate web of power and ambition that surrounded her. Wesley initiated the communication through a secure channel, his message concise.

"Sophia, it's time we met in person. Let's discuss our mutual interests and the path forward. I propose a meeting at 'L'etoile du Nord,' in their private VIP room. Their discretion and ambiance are unmatched, befitting the nature of our conversation. I'll await your confirmation."

The message sent, Wesley awaited her response, knowing that this meeting could be a pivotal moment in navigating the treacherous waters of high-stakes power dynamics. The luxurious setting of the restaurant in Boston was chosen not just for its culinary reputation but for the neutrality and privacy it afforded—a perfect stage for a meeting that could shape their futures.


The moment Sophia's phone chimed with the notification, her heart skipped a beat. It was the message she had been both dreading and anticipating: an invitation to meet Wesley, the enigmatic benefactor who had been a shadowy figure in her quest for power within the Alastair family. With trembling fingers, she quickly typed her affirmative response, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. Despite the digital anonymity they had maintained, Wesley had become an integral part of her ambitious plans, his support and the information he provided proving invaluable. The thought of finally putting a face and name to the mysterious supporter, both thrilled and unnerved her. The meeting, set for the following day at a discreet location, felt like the culmination of their clandestine partnership, a pivotal moment that could either cement her path to dominance or unravel the delicate web of intrigue she had woven. As she confirmed the meeting, Sophia's heart raced, not just from the nervous anticipation of encountering Wesley in person, but from the realization that she was edging ever closer to the zenith of her aspirations, the power she yearned for within her grasp, yet fraught with unknowns that this meeting could illuminate. One step closer to making the self imposed burden that was placed upon her shoulders from her fathers passing, is about to be one step closer to being released. 


The following day.

Wesley arrived in Boston with a sense of purpose that matched the city's vibrant energy. His destination, 'L'etoile du Nord,' was more than just a restaurant; it was a testament to culinary excellence and luxurious ambiance, nestled in the heart of the city's most prestigious district. As Wesley stepped through its opulent doors, he was immediately enveloped in an atmosphere of exclusivity and sophistication. The interior boasted an elegant blend of modern and classic design, with crystal chandeliers casting a soft glow over meticulously set tables, each adorned with fine china and gleaming silverware. Rich, velvety fabrics and polished wood accents added to the warmth and intimacy of the space, while panoramic windows offered breathtaking views of the city skyline, transforming the dining experience into a visual feast.

Murmuring to himself, "This is just the beginning," Wesley felt the weight of the moment. It was more than a meeting; it was a strategic encounter that could shape the trajectory of his endeavors and alliances. The maître d' recognized the significance of his guest and discreetly escorted Wesley to the VIP room, a secluded enclave designed for privacy and high-stakes discussions. The room radiated an understated elegance, with soundproof walls ensuring confidentiality, and an expansive table at its center set against the backdrop of the city's twinkling lights. As Wesley took his seat, the reality of the situation settled in. This meeting, cloaked in the luxurious setting of 'L'etoile du Nord,' was a pivotal step in the intricate dance of power and ambition, a dance Wesley was more than prepared to lead.

Shortly after Wesley arrived and was seated, Sophia entered the restaurant and was directed to the VIP room where the meeting was going to be held. Once she entered, she saw a young man sitting down enjoying a cup of coffee before he quickly noticed her entry and directed his gaze towards her. 'Wow, he is a lot younger than I was expecting, and handsome' thought Sophia. Growing up in the environment she was accustomed to, people with good looks were very common, thus receiving such a compliment had more weight to it compared to the average person. Wesley then promptly got up to introduce himself and upon standing up Sophia got a good look at his overall figure. Wesley standing at 6'4 with long brown wavy hair down to chin, wearing black slacks and boots with a black sweater for a more casual yet refined look. This caused Sophia to be even more curious about the man before her. However her slight surprise did not go unnoticed by Wesley. 

Wesley seeing Sophia was also slightly surprised, not because he did not know what she looked like, but because seeing her beauty on a screen is vastly different than seeing her in person. She stood at 5'8, with almond shaped eyes, with jet black hair that went down past her shoulders. She was wearing a classy grey Jumpsuit with black heels, her outfit along with her demeanor commanded respect, her aura releasing a sense of poise to those around her. 

"Hello Mrs. Alastair, it is a pleasure to finally meet you." Wesley said as he approached her with a friendly gesture to be seated alongside him. 

"Yes, it is nice to meet the man that has provided me with a lot of help that I was quite frankly not expecting… However, your name is?" Sophia asked curiously.

"Oh yes, I am sorry, my name is Wesley Barnes. Please feel free to call me Wesley." Wesley said with a gentle smile on his face.

"Thank you Wesley. However I am curious about something? What organization or family do you come from to learn my family's secrets? I know most families in my world so I am confused as to why I have not heard of your name before?" She asked with a confused expression.

"I do not come from the 'upper' echelons of society. Nor any organization. I am merely one man with ambition far more than what others can imagine." 

"I see that this meeting is regarding the future of our relationship. I knew from the start that receiving such help does not come free." Sophia stated blatantly with narrowed eyes.

"Yes and no, part of my goal with you is simply for you to take over your family. It offers me more benefits than not having hidden allies. However, the favor I need from you, is when you take over the family, I will have you set up a meeting with all members of NATO." 

"Huh?" Sophia blurted out in surprise. 

"What? Is that too much to ask for?" Wesley responded in a tone of disbelief.

"No no, not at all. I am just surprised that is the only reason. Most people, organizations, or other families would have outrageous demands, and yet yours is so simple. Quite frankly, you are not gaining much while I on the other hand am." Sophia stated with confusion.

"That is true; however, in the grand scheme of things, it does not make much difference to me." 

"I see, may I ask why you want to meet with the members of NATO?" Sophia asked.

"That I cannot tell you yet. But in time I will reveal my plans." Wesley said in a calculative tone.

"Anyways, part of the reason I scheduled this meeting is not regarding the favor that I want from you, but rather how I want you to take over your family from the inside." 

"I can simply wait for the next family election to take place in the coming years and then take my place? I see no other way to pursue such a thing?" Sophia replied.

"Not true. Time is of the essence for me, and in the next few days world wide news will be released regarding me. Your step mother and sister already know of this, but have done a good job in keeping such a thing secret. However what I want from you, is when I give the green light, you will schedule an emergency family board meeting. Once this occurs, have all the board members that are now on your side support you in a "vote of no confidence" with the current head of the family. This way you can take the throne in a much more effective and quicker manner." Wesley said with an evil grin plastered on his face.

Sophia listening to what she heard was in slight surprise. Not only did he know future events that were going to happen, but that they were made by her step-mother and sister, which were all playing into his very hand…. This caused a sense of fear and awe to develop in Sophia. Although Wesley might be young, it did not mean that he was not calculative. 

"Very well, I will be watching what happens in the coming days and will await your signal." Sophia said with a sense of excitement for the upcoming events. 

"Also.. thank you for helping me. Whether for personal gain or not, this is more than just reclaiming the 'throne' for me. So thank you." Sophia said with a heavy heart and a determined gaze seen in her eyes.

Wesley raised his eyebrow in slight surprise at the gesture, but also appreciated it. Making a mental note to understand more of Sophia's personal history besides her family's business dealings.

"Of course, I am happy to help, you are helping me in more ways than you know." Wesley said with a smile of contentment. 

After getting the main discussion out of the way, both Wesley and Sophia surprisingly enjoyed each other's company where Wesley mainly asked questions and listened to Sophia talk about her future aspirations of leading the family in the near future. After their meal, Wesley ended the meeting with a simple gesture and left to head back to Dallas. While Sophia remained in Boston, thinking of their meeting constantly and trying to figure out Wesley. It was almost like, the more answers she received, the more questions she had. However those would have to be answered at a further date.