Time is Ripe

While Aurora, and Madam Alastair were waiting for the update on Wesley's quantum server and their discussions about the future. Wesley spent his time within the Minerva simulation. The time difference was now exceedingly impressive with the growth of his servers and his body's evolution. Allowing for his time within the simulation to be longer than a year, yet only one week had occurred within real-time. Wesley thought of how he should continue to move forward, especially pertaining to his powers.

Do I reveal them to the public at some point? Do I keep them hidden, when will I need to use them? I know I need them. But when will the time be right to unleash my power and my goals…Wesley thinking this as time was progressing in the simulation. As he was practicing his control over fire. 

Wesley entering in a trance was beautiful to watch, swinging his left arm in a circular motion drawing the fire out, then stepping forward with his left foot, extending his arm out in the same motion, shooting a burst of flames forward. Without even leaving a second to stop, rotated his body clockwise pushing through, with his hands clasped together following his body's motion lifted from below his hips to eyes, causing in front of him a wave of fire to be shot from his movements. 

As Wesley navigated the intricacies of his burgeoning power, the simulation provided a safe yet demanding environment to test the limits of his capabilities. He engaged in complex problem-solving tasks, honed his strategic thinking, and underwent rigorous training modules that enhanced not only his physical and mental resilience but also deepened his comprehension of the ethical implications and responsibilities that came with his newfound abilities.

Amidst this intense period of growth and learning, Wesley remained connected to the outside world through Orion. Keeping Wesley updated on the global developments surrounding his groundbreaking social media app, Mimir. The app's influence had permeated various strata of society, sparking discussions, debates, and even controversies, as it reshaped the landscape of digital interaction and data exchange.

Orion's updates also extended to the machinations of the Alastair family, whose entanglements with Wesley had grown increasingly complex. Orion relayed information about their strategic moves, investments, and the subtle shifts in alliances within the family's ranks. This intelligence was crucial, providing Wesley with a clearer understanding of the chessboard he was a part of, enabling him to anticipate moves and counter-strategies. 

After listening to everything Orion shared with him, he realized that it was time to start the next phase of his plans. The Alastair's were starting to pick up the pace, so now was the time for him and Sophia to do so as well. Without a second thought, "Orion call Sophia, I need to talk with her." 

[Orion] "Yes sir" Immediately calling Sophia waiting for her to answer. 

"Mr. Barnes, a pleasure. I will say I was not expecting to see you and your achievements over the news after our meeting." Sophia said with an amused smile displayed on her face.

"Haha, please just call me Wesley, and yes, that is partially what I was referring to when I told you about how you would discover more about me soon." 

"Now for the reason I called you, I think it is time we begin our next step that we had discussed at our meeting." Wesley said with a determined tone.

"I can do that, but is this not rushing things?" Sophia asked curiously.

"No, not particularly, the sooner the better. Plus it seems your step-mother is making her own moves within the family. She seems paranoid and is beginning to investigate all the other members. This provides us with the perfect cover to begin our plans." Wesley replied.

"I see, I did receive calls from the other members regarding being investigated; however, I soothed their worries. This does provide a unique opportunity. And it will give all the other members personal reasons to call for the vote of no confidence rather than just my black mail." Sophia said as she understood all the pieces falling into place. The time was ripe, and now they were going to make the most of it. 

"Is there anything you would like me to do once I secure my position?" Sophia asked. 

"Not immediately, you need to settle into the position for a few days, then afterwards I will call in my favor regarding NATO. I need to take care of some of my own business before then." Wesley replying to her question, thinking of what else needs to be done before then.

"Okay sounds good, I will call for the meeting to be held later this week." Sophia replied, then hanging up to start their plans immediately.

After the call, Wesley left the Minerva simulation and called Keaton to fly him to his Island. Then Wesley alongside his security team headed towards the airport waiting for the jet to be ready for take off. Around forty-five minutes later, Wesley and his security team were up in the air. 

As the jet hummed steadily through the air, Wesley found himself adrift in a sea of thought, his gaze locked onto the world unfurling beneath him through the airplane window. The sprawling tapestry of clouds and earth, a silent witness to his introspection, seemed to transport him back in time, to a memory so vivid and warm that it momentarily dissolved the barriers between past and present.

It was an early morning, painted with the soft hues of dawn, when his father gently roused him from sleep. The day was significant, marked by the anticipation of attending his very first football game—an experience Wesley had been eagerly awaiting. The excitement that coursed through his young veins was more than just the prospect of the game; it was the adventure that the day promised, beginning with their journey to the airport.

Wesley recalled the sense of wonder and slight apprehension as they approached the sprawling complex of the airport, a place bustling with travelers, each embarking on journeys of their own. His father, sensing his mixed emotions, took him under his wing, guiding him through the maze of security procedures with a patience and ease that only served to deepen Wesley's admiration for him. He remembered his father's reassuring presence, a beacon of calm in the whirlwind of activity, showing him the ropes—from placing their bags on the conveyor belt for scanning to walking through the metal detector.

The wait to board was sweetened by small indulgences, like picking out candy from the airport shops, a simple yet profound gesture that made Wesley feel cherished and valued. These moments, seemingly inconsequential, were the threads that wove the fabric of his childhood, imbued with the essence of care and love.

The pinnacle of the day came when they boarded the plane, and Wesley was ushered to the window seat—a coveted position for any child on their maiden flight. The thrill of watching the ground slowly retreat as the plane ascended, leaving the familiar behind for the embrace of the skies, was an indelible experience. It was a symphony of emotions—awe, exhilaration, and a tinge of nostalgia for the moments just passed.

This memory, now replaying in Wesley's mind as he sat by the window once more, was more than a mere recollection of events; it was a testament to the foundation of love, guidance, and unwavering support his parents had provided him. The smile that graced his lips was one of profound gratitude and a silent promise to uphold the values instilled in him.

In that reflective solitude, high above the earth, Wesley's thoughts meandered to the aspirations he harbored—not just for success in his endeavors but to embody the virtues of the man who had been his first hero, his father. The hope to be half the man his father was, was not rooted in the achievements and accolades but in the strength of character, the depth of compassion, and the unwavering integrity that his father exemplified.

Time seemed to pass by in a blink of an eye as Wesley noticed the plane beginning to descend to the Island. Once landed, Wesley's thoughts shifted from the cherished memories, to the task at hand. With the upcoming meeting with NATO, Wesley needed to be prepared. First it was time to update the current facility, then later he would construct his base, but for the time being he did not need to do so. With this thought Wesley went to one of the storage rooms, decided he was going to transform this room into where the Molecular Transitioner and Fabricator would be stored for the time being. This way he did not need to use his powers of Matter conversion unless absolutely necessary. Instantly Wesley started to use his powers of Matter conversion to construct the machines before him. Meticulously Wesley began to focus as he broke down all the storage lockers, parts, and miscellaneous items within the room into the 'liquid' matter as he then slowly converted it into the machines from the Minerva simulation that he knew very well. This process took a little longer since of the amount of materials Wesley had to convert and the intricacy of such machines, lasting about 4 hours compared to other uses of his powers. However his mana had reached a dangerously low level of [4/100]. The amount of concentration had caused sweat to form on his forehead as he slumped down against the wall, proud and drained from his new creations before him.