
As Wesley watched his sister Rylee, now submerged in the luminous embrace of the healing tank, a cascade of emotions washed over him. The serene blue glow from the tank illuminated the room, casting a hopeful yet somber light on Rylee's peaceful face. This moment marked a pivotal shift in Wesley's perspective, a silent vow to never again let naivety cloud his judgment. The stark reality that there were individuals in the world willing to go to any lengths, even inflicting harm on the innocent, to achieve their nefarious goals, had crystallized in his mind. This was a harsh lesson learned, but one that Wesley embraced with a newfound resolve.

Leaving the medical room, the weight of his responsibilities and the gravity of his role in his family's safety felt heavier than ever. Each step towards the living room was laden with the promise of vigilance and the commitment to prepare for any conceivable threat that might loom on the horizon. Wesley knew that the world they lived in was fraught with dangers, some seen and many unseen. He was determined to shield his loved ones from these perils, to be the bulwark against the tide of malevolence that threatened to engulf them.

As he entered the living room, the sight that greeted him was heart-wrenching. His parents, Andrew and Rachel, were the very picture of anxiety and distress. They sat close together on the couch, their bodies tense, their hands clasped tightly as if holding on to the last vestige of hope. Their eyes, weary and red-rimmed from countless tears, moved restlessly, reflecting the turmoil that churned within them. The waiting, not knowing when or if Rylee would awaken from her coma, was a torment all its own.

Wesley's presence seemed to offer a brief respite from their worry. His parents looked up at him, their expressions a mix of desperation and silent pleading. In that moment, Wesley felt the enormity of his role not just as a brother or a son, but as a protector, a guardian who had the power and means to make a difference.

He approached them, his own heart heavy with the same fears and uncertainties that plagued them. Sitting down beside them, Wesley reached out, enveloping his parents in a reassuring embrace. No words were spoken, for none were needed. In that silent communion, there was an unspoken understanding, a shared resolve to face whatever the future held together.

Wesley's promise to himself and to his family was clear. He would harness every resource at his disposal, tap into every ounce of his ingenuity and power, to safeguard those he loved. The healing tank was just the beginning, a testament to the lengths he was willing to go to protect his family. But beyond the technology and the strategies lay the unbreakable bonds of love and loyalty that united them. In the face of adversity, these were their true strength, the indomitable spirit that no enemy could ever hope to quell.

Looking up at his parents after there embrace, Wesley engages in dialogue with them, "Mom, Dad, I am sure you both have questions." Wesley said, waiting for them to reply. Andrew breathed a heavy sigh. 

"Bud, we need to know. Was this incident with Rylee caused by you or whatever you are doing?" Andrew asked with slight anger and fear in his tone.

"Yes it was, a family called the Alastair family, who is extremely powerful, has influence in the world's economic market, in the US government, and even with NATO and a variety of other circles. However, because of my impact on the market and the unexpected shift I had caused, they wanted to tie me down to them. However I did not want to be controlled. Thus it started a feud. One of Alastair's family members. Sophia Alastair is the original daughter to the Alastair family however she lost control of the family. So I gave her back her control in the family, but in doing so, it caused her enemies to attack my family in response to them losing. But do not worry, they have already paid for their mistake economically, and soon I will deal with them personally." Wesley said as he gripped his hands tightly, as his fingernails began to dig into his palms. 

Andrew and Rachel listened intently, their initial anger giving way to a mix of awe and concern. The reality of their son's situation was unlike anything they could have imagined. Realizing that this whole time, Wesley was dealing with something all on his own, without the reliance of anyone. While their son was strong and smart, at the end of the day, to them, he was still their boy and still a kid. Being only 22 years old and dealing with such power with no one to help him. This caused Andrew and Rachel to take a step back from the anger they previously had towards their assumptions with Wesley. Now understanding the full picture, they felt angry towards the Alastair's for causing harm to their family, but now further confused how Wesley gained such information.

"Wesley, know that as parents we are proud of you and love you. But realize you do not have to shoulder your burdens alone. Whether you choose us or someone else, you cannot do it all on your own. Now one thing I am confused about is, how did you discover all of this information? And how did you become such a big target?" Rachel said. 

"Haaaa, that is part of the problem that has been kept quiet from the public eye. Do you remember how I had to go testify before congress?" Wesley said, with both his parents nodding their heads in remembrance of the investigation.

"The whole incident before congress was because of the Alastair family. They had originally snuck into my warehouse and discovered some of my technology that is now known. Specifically the quantum servers. This technology is something that is years away from being developed and thus, they wanted to have it in their hands to control. Luckily because of my personal AI I created for myself, named ORION. He was able to learn all of this information from getting into their databases and informing me of everything." Wesley stated, watching as his parents' faces got an answer but also more questions arose in their minds at this. 

"Okay, I understand that, but I am no idiot, where or how did you get such technology? You graduated in Computer science, not physics, nor computer engineering?" Andrew asked, knowing that his son's knowledge was limited in only a certain field, or at least so he thought. 

"That. That is where things get slightly complicated. I cannot explain how, or reveal everything just yet, but to dumb it down to the best of my ability would be to say I have super powers." Wesley said blankly towards them. 

"Wesley, come on, don't play games with us. Whether you stole the technology or whatever you did, fine. But don't lie to us haha." Andrew said with a stupefied face as he could not understand why his son would say such a thing.

Without wasting a second, Wesley extended his hand out in front of them, opening his palm, creating a small thing of fire from nowhere, then without wasting another second, heated the fire, increasing the temperature in the room, watching his parents face, seeing shock, fear, doubt, and utter confusion further. Then immediately Wesley died the intensity down, not wanting to heat up the room further, snuffed the fire out. 

Both his parents looked at each other, then back at Wesley with a variety of emotions and confusion. Such a thing was out of fairy tales and comic books. Causing both of them to re-evaluate philosophical beliefs they have had for many years. Andrew being the first to speak up.

"So your technology and your knowledge has come from these powers?" Andrew asked, with Wesley nodding his head. 

"Yes, that is correct, that among other abilities. For example, have you noticed the robots around the Island and the facility or the tank that Rylee is in right now?" Wesley asked, with both parents nodding in recognition.

"Where do you think all of that came from?" Wesley said, with a new found light coming to their head. At first both thought it was tech that Wesley might have bought with his connections. Now understanding the implications of such knowledge.

"The Healing tank should bring Rylee out of her coma in the next week or so, while the Robots are what I call Exo's. They are their own individuals. No different from you or me. The only difference is that they are metal and far stronger than us. Each one is an AI, with their own personality and job here on the Island. I have further plans for them in the future. But to understand their prowess for example. One of them could easily destroy a whole building and come out unscathed." Wesley said with a hint of pride within his voice at his creations. 

"So let me get this straight, you have created advanced quantum technology, robots or what you call them Exo's with superhuman strength, a tank that can heal people and bring them out of a coma in a week, and your weird fire ability on top of that." Andrew said, as he felt a few of his hairs begin to fall off his head in shock of the overall news that has been shared. 

"Yes, that is correct. The current technology I have revealed to you and others is actually just a fraction of what I am able to do, but I am keeping other things in store for the future." Wesley said, pausing with a sigh before asking a question he has been scared to ask both of them from the beginning of getting such power. 


[A/N: Sorry for not posting chapters yesterday, I am currently having to study for exams this week. I will try my best to release chapters throughout the week, but it might be a little slow. Thank you for your patience and I hope you continue to enjoy the story. I have a ton of plans for the future! Please leave reviews and comments! They help encourage me to continue and also give insight into how I can improve! ]