Elida's POV

I came to from the trance that my loving niece and nephew put me in only to panic once again because I could not see them. Looking around erratically as the dread begins to spread, I finally see them all sitting in a room with no walls and dash over to them. Throwing myself at my family while tears poured from my eyes. relief flooding me as they hug me while cooing that everything will be alright and that I am safe now. 

 Alette grabbed my hand, matching my own strength and ferocity with her hold as I had with her own. I settled myself on the couch as they called it next to Oliver with Alette tucked into my side and Arion's hand clasping my own taking Lette's place as she tucked deeper into my side as if trying to meld us into one. Oh, how I missed my little ones, they aren't so little anymore. 

 Looking gratefully at Alaric I said "Thank you for helping me in finding my family. If there is anything we can do to help you, we will do our best to help where we can." 

 Alaric just smiled and said, "I was just asking your niece and nephew if they would like to join us at the school we run." 

 Alette and Arion look at me with hope filled eyes. I know why they have been trapped in this meadow for around 800 years. They want to go out and start living their lives.

 Alette then speaks to me in my mind "Aunty I'm so happy to have you back and we love you dearly. But I think you and uncle need some time alone after all he has been without you for so long and we can come back with teleportation anytime you miss us." I look at her and then Arion and nod after seeing the determination in their eyes. I reply to both of them "Alright, I will let you go but I expect letters and visits from you both. Also, if there is any danger you can't handle you must come home. Do you understand?" Looking them in the eye was key with these two troublemakers. Arion was the one who responded to me through our link though I know Alette was listening "Yes Aunty, we promise we will also call you. Uncle will teach you how to use a cellphone, it will be great fun." 


Alaric POV

 After what looked to be a few gestures and some nodding Elida nodded one last time and said "Please take care of them. I will be writing to them, and I expect visits on the weekends."

 I was about to say that will not be a problem but then realized she said visits on the weekends so quizzically I asked "Every weekend? That might be hard considering how far the school is from here." 

 The Twins just started laughing at this. After calming down a little Alette then said, "That isn't a problem for us we can just teleport whenever we need to." 

 Shocked by her statement I asked, "You can teleport? What else can you do?" At these questions the almost calm Arion started rolling with laughter once more. Embarrassed slightly, I quickly recovered and looked at Alette for answers.

 She chuckled and simply said, "Many things but we don't like to tell humans all our secrets I do hope you understand Alaric. It is nothing against you we would just like to know you for a while more before divulging all our secrets. However, I will tell you one thing I can see the bonds that people have or form as they age and grow."

 Arion looked at her with shock then nodded as if they had a private conversation. I'm starting to think they have a way to communicate with each other through their minds. I look at Dorian and say "Great psychic trees." Dorian just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

 It had gotten late while we talked, and Oliver offered his guest rooms for us to stay in for the night. Dorian, the twins and I will leave in the morning. After getting to my room, I got a call from Hope. We talked for a while before she asked for a seat on the council, I don't know everything that's going on at the school in my absence but said to her "I trust you will make the right decision. Also be ready to meet me out front of the school tomorrow at 8AM. I will have two new students with me and need your help with them. Normally I would ask the girls but these two are a little more special and require different attention. Before you ask they aren't dangerous, just different like you."

 I heard Hope sigh and then say, "Alright I'll be there, see you tomorrow." 


Arion POV 

We all spent the night catching up as a family after Alaric and Dorian went to sleep. We all talked and laughed until the sun came up and we heard Alaric come out of the house asking if we had coffee.

 Uncle Oliver said, "of course follow me." As he got up to make coffee and breakfast for our resident humans. Having already had breakfast out of the way for ourselves. Even though we don't have to eat it is nice to eat a good meal on occasions. Tangent thoughts aside we began to get ready for our departure. Uncle has bought clothes for us over the years, we never knew when or if we would take human forms again, but we had hoped hence the clothes. Teary goodbyes from Aunty and Uncle made Alette sad but she put on a brave face for them. I am proud of her! 

 I looked to Alaric and said, "So do you or Dorian have any plants from where we need to go?" Alaric looked puzzled and Dorian just took a twig from inside his bag placing it in my hands. Alette and I joined hands over the twig feeling the energy of nature through it. Although it is quite weak by this point, it should be enough for our purposes. We then opened a portal to the Salvatore School for the Supernaturally Gifted. I looked at Alaric and Dorian and said, "After you."

 Alette and I wave to our Aunt and Uncle. As we get ready to walk through the door, we hear Uncle Oliver yell "don't forget to get phones and send me your numbers." I just nod and wave at them as I step through the portal after Alette.