Fang's pov
So lately everything's the same, each night the guys go to the venue have sound check, later play their set, then we go to the next. Caroline had her date with Ricky and they have been hitting it off, I have been staying in the back listening to music and drawing. It is the same thing but I knew something was coming up and it was my b-day, I was going to keep quiet and just have it like any other day. The reason for that is because I never really wanted to have one, even though people force me. My parents did until I was seven.
But I did not care. I just want to be alone and nothing new was happening in my life, except for going on tour. But I want adventure. Just in the back of y head that one little voice has broke out of its cage.
So I think it was a Friday and yes my birthday is in Friday the 13th. Ironic I know. But just when I was about to get up this on voice came and haunted me again. It is my other side of me, she is a ruthless idiot.
Oh please, you're the b**ch. besides I am the better side of you. I am smarter, kin-
Don't you even say that you are kind. You tried to kill some of my friends.
Aw, is someone getting pissed, hey it is not my fault I help you think better. Besides you don't have any friends, not even Caroline she is just using you.
Get the f**king hell out of my head.
I hate her so much. I have hidden her voice, my other side. My nickname for her is mz. Hyde. She is the crazy, insane side of me. I wish I wasn't like this,I am not normal and the next stop I am getting off this bus and going to walk to the next venue to clear my head.
But I heard a knock on the door and I replied, " come in?" When the door open I saw Chris and I honestly was taken aback to it but I just ignored it. He spoke, " hey,fang. You doing alright?" I nodded, I had to lie. I don't want to bother anyone and I just needed to do that until tonight. Because of my plan.
Chris's pov
So I wanted to talk to fang, cause I am honestly worried about her, she seems nice, and most of the time her and Caroline have been here with us on tour so far she has been in the back room. And I wanted to talk to her, so I asked, " hey, you alright?" She nodded yes, but what i really saw was a lie, everything that has happened, the beginning of it. I just really have no words to be honest.
" fang, I do know you're lying." I said and she just rolled her eyes, and smirked a little, that is probably the most I have ever seen her do that. She then replied, " Chris I am fine, just I like to be alone, I am kind of a lone demon." She giggled. It was completely adorable, I smiled back at her. Then replied, " fang I will be here if you need anything okay, even if you just want to talk. Okay." I waited a moment and there was complete silence but there is something different about her. I just can't put my finger on it.
Fang's pov
So I Chris is a nice guy just I don't think of him anything more than just as friends, besides I wouldn't want to get in the way of everything, like he has the band, his own life and besides another thing is that I am just a nobody.
You got that right.
Do you mind shutting the f**k up.
Yeah I actually do so I don't mind at all then.
Still talking about yourself I see.
I am just going to ignore that. But I wanted to see what time it was and well I did check the time and I said, "okay, I am gonna see. I am wondering when they have their set." So I realized that I was in pajamas still. Kind of normal for me. So I walked out to see the guys all scattered around, Chris, in the bathroom, and ghost and Ryan were in the lounge area and Ricky and Caroline I do not know. But I was going to ask Ryan if he knew, so, " um, hey Ryan what time is your guys set?" He caught his attention to me and said, " uh yeah it is in ten minutes" I nodded then went back to the back room.
I had to set up my plan. I kinda figured what I was gonna do. The things I had to get were:
Sketch book
Hair brush
So that was most of it but I had to go back to the house and grab my stuff, but I had my car I would bring and I knew Caroline would be pissed about this.
Caroline's pov
So I was gonna watch Miw play. And me and Ricky have been really hitting it off lately. We have a lot in common so that was good. But fang has been really quiet lately. And I knew that was normal just she has been a little too quiet.
Miw set
Fang's pov
So I got all my stuff ready and I was thinking on leaving a note and I did. So this is it I guess I did have fun but I really don't have any regrets doing this. I just need a new start.
Chris's pov
So we had a good set, and the fans were crazy as usual. But Ricky, I am sorry but he is head over heals for Caroline. He kept making googly eye once in a while to her. He seriously needs to man up and just ask her to be his girlfriend already. But she was hanging on the side in the crowd.
Once we got back it was quiet and I was gonna head to bed but it was a little too quiet. When I was walking down the bunk alley area I saw that the back door was opened a crack. And I knocked at first, there was no answer, I walked in and there was no presence of her. I looked around and I saw a piece of paper it was a note.
I don't want you, Caroline, or any of the guys to look for me. I don't want to bother you with my presence. I am so sorry, for everything. I don't want any harm, just please, I really can't explain to much, but just this is what I need to say, I am sorry, I have had a broken past, shattered heart, and still hurting on the inside. It is what I was made of: fear. I was afraid, to love again, to let someone in my life. To let someone understand me. I am sorry for everything I have done, just promise me you will move on and find a path to a new world, one that doesn't involve me though.
I'm sorry,
When I read the letter, it honestly killed me inside, I really liked her. She was a sweet person, I knew part of what she was going through. But just that she left it,I honestly didn't know what to do really.
I felt someone behind me and I turned to see Caroline, she asked, " hey, you okay?" I turned to face her and handed her the letter. She started to read over it and I saw her mood changed in a snap. She then walked away and the next thing I know was that all I heard was the door slam shut. I walk out to the lounge area and the guys are looking at me, like what the hell just happened. Ryan asked, " what's up with her?"
I didn't know what to do so I just said, " fang left." They were confused at first then I had two explain so I just showed them the note. " I actually kind of wish she didn't do this. I liked having her here." So Ryan went to his bunk and I think it was my turn to drive but the next thing heard was a loud crash.