Ch 3 - Ep 3 : ⟩ Rebirth

There were dark clouds in the sky, there was lightning, strong winds were blowing and then a woman crying, this cannot happen, God, it would be better if he had picked me up and my child, why then we see that woman crying and a nurse. The nurse asks, tell me how is my son? Is he fine? Neither will he survive nor will he.

The nurse thinks what should I say now that he has been dead for a long time and will not come back. If the doctor had not felt like it, I would have told the truth. Because she belongs to the biggest family here, that's why I can't tell her, then the nurse says, excuse me madam, your child is fine but due to severe injury, he is in coma right now, so don't be afraid, just keep courage, then the nurse left from there. She goes with tears in her eyes and thinks that I am also a mother, I also know about the grief of losing children. When a woman's child dies, I know what she spends there, then she goes to the operation theatre. She goes and says doctor, outside his mother is crying a lot and praying to God to save her child, meanwhile she asks me how is my son and the doctor says harshly, so what did you say?

The nurse is there, don't worry doctor, I have told you that he is fine now and is in coma, the doctor says he is fine, you said this and then the doctor thinks I am a doctor, not God, now how can I bring a dead person back to life, this is on top of that. Orders have come, that's why I am crazy about the treatment. Who will explain to them that this boy has been dead for a long time? Then the doctor says in shock, wait a second, what is this, it seems it is not an accident but murder, then the nurse says.

Hey doctor, what are you saying? Then the doctor says, look carefully at whose face and look at his chest. Someone has beaten him badly. It seems he was alive after the accident and the same person has killed him. Then the nurse remains. We should tell this to the police. Doctor says right. Meanwhile, he is sitting in his office and a man comes there and says, hey doctor, how are you? I heard that you have become a god. Hearing this the doctor asks who are you and what are you saying then the person says you just remember that if you told him anything about the boy to anyone and secretly whispers in his ear Something like this is not an accident but a murder, so remember what will happen to you, your family, your children, even your old parents, will you ever be able to see them? Then the doctor says, wait, what are you saying and maybe I know you. I am you, I have seen that, that's why the guy gets angry and says to the thieves, hey, you must have seen it, but I am not that person, I have changed myself, just don't tell this secret to anyone, not even to his parents, otherwise ha ha. Ha, what will happen to you Kalia and saying this he leaves the door banging the thieves and then the doctor says what should I do now, I think I should tell you the truth, then in the meantime the doctor leaves from there and then after calling He says to someone, "Hello sir, I wanted to talk to you about something important, so can you meet me?" The person says, "Yes of course." Then the doctor thinks, "I have called him, but what should I say?" Then, gathering his courage, he says, "I will tell you later." After some time that person comes into the office and says hello doctor why did you call me and how is my son then we come to know that he is the father of the boy.

Then the doctor says, Hello Mr. Ravi Rajput, I want to talk to you about something, then the doctor says in a sad voice, forgive me Mr. Rajput, I could not save your son, then in a sad voice Ravi Rajput says, I know doctor that he Now he is not alive, then what should I do? His mother does not agree and she is in a very bad condition. Her younger sister is also in a bad condition and she has not even gone to school for a long time because she is very different from her brother. She used to love me more. The doctor thinks, should I tell that that person had come and threatened me and left? Should I tell that his son has not met with an accident but has been murdered? Then he suddenly gets nervous and says, 'No, my children, my children.' Family (wife) My parents will be in danger then the doctor says Mr. Then what should we do now, would you like to take this dead body or should we burn it with electricity? Mr. Rajput says just wait, can you do something like this? That he could stay in bed for two days so that his mother would think he was still alive

Then the doctor says ok ok and then Mr Rajput gets up from there and goes away then we are shown that his mother is saying son Ayush get up see your mother has come get up son his father is thinking seeing this now What should I say then he drags her away from there. Meanwhile Ayush gets a dream and someone is saying, you bastard, you have not killed me yet. I thought that after such a dangerous accident. You will die. I feel like I will have to get my hands dirty and he starts kicking her hard. Suddenly Ayush's eyes open. Taking a deep breath, he thinks where am I and what has happened to me. My hands are not moving at all and then the nurse comes, she drops the plate from her hand and her eyes widen and she says loudly, Doctor is teaching, Doctor, Doctor and hearing this, the doctor comes quickly and after seeing He shakes his head and thinks, in my entire life, I have never seen a dead person come alive. Then Ayush, who is actually Abhishek, says, I was dead, then how am I alive. What happened to me and whose body is this?

Keep reading to know why Ayush was killed and who killed him.


To Be continued...