Chapter 17 The Predetermined Destiny_1

"Dad! Mom!" The tears from Qin Sisi's eyes rolled down her cheeks in torrents. Her feelings at this moment were incredibly complex. She was fully aware that her parents were no longer in this world, and these two figures were likely the ghosts Xiao Hei had mentioned. Although they frightened her, they were also the people who loved her most in this world, and who she loved the most!

Instinctively, Qin Sisi turned to look behind her. If she could see them in the mirror, then surely they must exist in reality as well!

However, Qin Sisi had forgotten that ever since she met Xiao Hei, many things had become different from her previous understanding.

Behind Qin Sisi, there was nothing, only silence and darkness. Returning hastily, with tears streaming down her face, she looked at the mirages of her father and mother in the mirror.