Chapter 20 Formation of Magical Power_1

When Qin Sisi arrived home, Ye You was lying comfortably and lazily on the bed, sleeping soundly.

Seeing him in such a casual posture, it was hard to associate him with the handsome and elegant figure in the mirror from the previous night. She couldn't help but curve the corners of her lips upward and whisper, "You called me a lazy cat, but I think you are the real lazy cat!"

Qin Sisi chuckled lightly and shook her head before heading to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

After setting the food on the table, she called Ye You for dinner, then they started eating - one person, one cat.

Qin Sisi had refused Ye You's request to quit her job and move in the morning. She was initially worried that Ye You would persist, but he quietly ate his meal and didn't say a word, hence she didn't bring it up either.

Just when Qin Sisi had put down her bowl, Ye You unexpectedly leaped towards her, placing a paw on her forehead.