Chapter 22: Summoning the Wings of the Rainbow_1

Qin Sisi again shook her wrist, flaunting the bracelet: a proclaimed priceless treasure. She comforted herself, "But with this generous gift you gave me, I think I should be safe."

Ye You was silent for a while before he slowly said, "Defending without attacking will always put you at a disadvantage, let me give you another gift." With that, he gently raised his claw, and a faint glow flickered before quickly disappearing. Something new appeared on the table.

Qin Sisi's eyes were immediately drawn to the pair of colorful, mini wings. She carefully placed them in her palm, examining each feather as they transitioned from deep red to orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and finally to purple, vivid and brilliant like two tiny rainbows.

Qin Sisi reached out to touch the wings, finding them soft, light, and as smooth as silk.

Unable to hold back her admiration, she exclaimed, "This craftsmanship is just too perfect. It's like the real thing."

Ye You said blandly, "It is real."