Chapter 27 Under the Light There is no Shadow, The Visitor is not Human_1

Wang Dashan, who had just had his arms shattered by Qin Sisi's Divine Dog's Fury, looked at Qin Sisi with both anger and fear, resentfully making another request: "If you help me kill them both, I will tell you."

Qin Sisi's expression gradually grew cold. Ye You whispered a few words in her ear, and she nodded slightly, staring coldly at Wang Dashan. Her voice was devoid of any warmth as she replied: "Two choices - either reincarnate in the underworld or dissipate into nothing. Which do you choose?"

Ye You turned his head to look at Qin Sisi with admiration in his eyes. It's true that she had been a bit timid at first, but she had quickly acclimatized to her role and was performing well.