Chapter 30: The Underutilized Ziwei Heaven Fire_1

Qin Sisi hesitated and said to Ye You, "Is it necessary? She didn't mean to do it, and she was hurt, too."

Ye You replied, "A mistake made unintentionally is still a mistake. Master Hong Bo just said, good and evil are like shadows following their forms. If we don't do this now, she will face retribution in the future. I'm helping her."

With no other choice, Qin Sisi nodded, tidied her thoughts, and said to Wang Juan, "Although it was done unintentionally, you have indirectly committed the sin of killing. If you wish to escape the law's punishment, you have to shorten your lifespan. Are you willing?"

Wang Juan paused for a long while before answering tearfully, "I'm willing."

Qin Sisi nodded, "Alright, I'll make the arrangements."

Lin Zheng, who was standing aside, said anxiously, "But, Wang Dashan's corpse is still buried in the backyard. If it's discovered someday..."