Chapter 39 Late Wedding_1

At this point, the entrance of Rontec Hotel was bustling with excitement, as the wedding guests had been arriving in waves. They greeted each other warmly with beaming smiles before gradually making their way into the hotel.

Deliberately ignoring her recent interaction with Ye You, Qin Sisi asked casually, "When are we going in?"

Ye You replied, "Let's wait a bit longer. We'll enter just before the wedding starts."

Acknowledging him with a nod, Qin Sisi knew they would soon need to use the Invisible Bubble. Its effective duration was only two hours, and they had to accomplish as many tasks as possible within this limited time window.

A quarter of an hour before eleven o'clock, Ye You took out the Invisible Bubble, encasing himself and Qin Sisi within. He perched himself on her shoulder, much the same way he had during their visit to the dumplings shop. His expression was somewhat solemn.

"Are you sure this will work?" she asked one more time to ensure nothing would go wrong.