Chapter 48: The Old Case_1

Ning Hao led Qin Sisi into a room and sat across from her at a desk. He prepared to take out a pen and a notebook, his expression was serious. He said to Qin Sisi, "Qin Sisi, I have a few questions for you, and I hope you answer them truthfully."

"Okay," Qin Sisi replied, remembering how similar this situation was to the first time she met Ning Hao due to the incident involving Wang Ji'an.

Ning Hao began the interrogation: "Why did you go to Xiyuan Park?"

Following what Ye You previously instructed her, Qin Sisi began to calmly respond, "Yesterday was Sunday, I originally wanted to take my cat to the pet hospital. But when passing by Xiyuan Park, it suddenly jumped out and ran in. I had no choice but to follow."

This was Ye You's idea - to attribute matters that couldn't be clarified to the cat that couldn't explain itself. No one could prove that what she was saying was true, but no one could disprove it either.