Chapter 66: Innocent Spirits_1

The sounds of suffering echoed back and forth, as if countless ghosts, filled with the malice of being wronged and the fury of a brutal death, were gathering at this location. The air temperature seemed to drastically drop, and a cold oppressive atmosphere descended, making even breathing a struggle.

Ye You was secretly taken aback, not expecting this person to possess Ghost Manipulation. Some powerful mages could manipulate ghosts through Spiritual Power or spells, referred to as "Ghost Manipulation." However, a ghost manipulating other ghosts was rather bizarre.

As the looming aura of death enveloped them like a dark cloud, Ye You, without further thought, sprung up and moved in front of Qin Sisi, protecting her as he once did. Despite the perilous and strange atmosphere, Qin Sisi felt a wave of ineffable warmth in the luminosity and might of Ye You's small figure.