Chapter 79: Making a Bet_1

Soon, two servers entered with trays, placing seven bowls of fried sauce noodles, along with various side dishes, carefully on the table.

Before the servers could leave, Gao Liang's eyes straightened, fixed on the brightly colored, appetizing fried sauce noodles, saliva almost dripping from his mouth.

Upon seeing the look on Gao Liang's face, Qin Sisi hurried to help the servers arrange the side dishes and told them,"You can step out now, I'll call you if needed."

The servers left the room beaming. As soon as they closed the door, Gao Liang lunged onto a bowl of noodles, wolfing it down.

Shaking her head in amusement, Qin Sisi handed a bowl to Ye You, placed another in front of herself, and had barely taken a few bites when Gao Liang pushed an empty bowl onto the table.

Before Qin Sisi could react, Gao Liang was already devouring the second bowl.

Oh my, he eats incredibly fast!