Chapter 81 Music Magic_1

The following day, after their breakfast, Qin Sisi once again examined the text message that Lan Di had sent. The message contained detailed information about Mrs. Wang Luo's husband and son.

From a geographical perspective, Mr. Wang Luo's son was closer to where Qin Sisi was located, so she decided to first locate the child.

Interestingly, Mrs. Wang Luo's son was six years old when she passed away. After numerous reincarnations, her son, who is now living in a remote mountainous town in the neighboring province, is also six years old. He was supposedly attending first grade in the village's Hope Elementary School.

Having determined her route, Qin Sisi started to book train tickets online. Due to the remoteness of the location, none of the high-speed trains or express trains stopped there—only regular trains would stop for a few minutes.

Qin Sisi had no choice but to buy a standard train ticket. The trip was scheduled for three days later, a journey of over seven hours.