Chapter 87 Jealousy_1

After Lin Xiaoyu uttered the words "devote myself to you", he stared deeply into Qin Sisi's eyes, his face filled with intense anticipation and anxiety.

Before Qin Sisi could respond, the black cat in her arms suddenly meowed loudly, giving both Qin Sisi and Lin Xiaoyu a fright.

Lin Xiaoyu asked curiously, "What's wrong with your spirit pet?"

Qin Sisi responded somewhat helplessly, "Nothing really, perhaps... it's just a bit hungry."

In actuality, Qin Sisi felt a tiny sense of satisfaction at Ye You's big reaction.

As she spoke, Qin Sisi glanced down at Ye You to find a look of anger starting to flash in his purple eyes, making her heart clench.

Lin Xiaoyu then seemed to understand, "I see, I'll go cook then."