Chapter 94 Dream Entrustment_1

The Divine Beast gazed at the son, and his daughter-in-law, of the Grandma Ghost. It slowly blinked its eyes – eyes that were surprisingly purple, like two gleaming purple gem stones.

The head of the Beast inclined slightly, emanating a natural, intimidating aura.

The Fairy atop the Beast had a warm disposition, like one bathed in the Spring Breeze.

The couple, dumbstruck and slack-jawed, stared at the scene before them, at a loss for words.

The Grandma Ghost eyed them, moving closer to the Fairy with a flattering smile on her face, her wrinkled face lit up like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"Fairy, here is my unfilial son and his wife." the Grandma Ghost pointed at the couple on their knees and spoke to the Fairy.

The Fairy nodded, her red lips moved slightly. Although she was standing close, her voice sounded as though it was coming from the sky. It was light, pleasant, ethereal and distant.

"Do both of you realise your errors?"