Chapter 96 Arrogant Female Ghost_1

As she spoke, Qin Sisi mockingly raised a hand.

The Grandma ghost was terrified. Only those who have personally experienced poverty know how frightening poverty is. She had suffered all her life, and naturally did not want her descendants to suffer as well. Moreover, if her children did not do well, they would not care about her, a mother who had already passed away. She would quickly be forgotten, like a speck of dust.

The Grandma ghost clung to a nearby gravestone and implored Qin Sisi with a mournful face, "Please, miss. I will agree to anything, isn't that enough?"

A barely noticeable smirk curled at the corner of Qin Sisi's mouth. She lowered her hand and took a few steps back, allowing the Grandma ghost some time to adjust her emotions.