Chapter 106: The Fish is Hooked_1

Not knowing how much time had passed, perhaps it was short, perhaps it was long, the gentle rays of the evening sun fell gently on his forehead, and a gentle breeze stirred a leaf in the corner, and then, Shi Yan heard his clear voice: "Where are you planning to go? Let me take you there."

A cold, smug smile tugged at the corner of Bai Xue's heart, an astonished look on her face. She examined Shi Yan warily, declining, "No thanks, my best friend will be here soon."

Ironically, Bai Xue's refusal only reassured Shi Yan more. If she was intentionally getting closer, she would likely have accepted his offer eagerly.

Shi Yan gave a carefree smile, took out a high-end genuine leather wallet, pulled out a business card and handed it to Bai Xue, announcing in a clear voice, "This is my business card, and that building is my company."