Chapter 127: Repaying Kindness with Enmity_1

Ye You chuckled lightly and said, "Did you come up with the idea of switching genders? I had almost thought that we were going to lose a ghost this time."

Qin Sisi said a bit awkwardly, "I had a sudden flash of inspiration, a poem I once read crossed my mind."

"What poem? Tell me about it." Ye You lifted his head with interest, his voice was deep and magnetic, with just a touch of sensuality.

"The poem comes from an ancient story about a poet and a beauty." Qin Sisi lowered her eyes, her snow-like face filled with melancholy.

Qin Sisi sat down on the couch holding Ye You and started to recite the old story.

"Zhuo Wenjun, who was both a beauty and a talented woman, was moved by the harp music of Sima Xiangru and eloped with him, casting aside everything else. At that time, Sima Xiangru was impoverished, the couple opened a tavern to make a living, with Zhuo Wenjun, a wealthy young lady, selling liquor."