Chapter 134 Blue and White Porcelain Next to the Pillow_1

Having been plagued all night, Wu Cheng longed to get a good sleep, but he had his shop's business on his mind. He had just successfully reclaimed the piece of Blue and White Porcelain from Qin Sisi and Boss Zheng the day before, so he had a lot on his plate and couldn't afford to lie in bed to catch up on sleep.

Wu Cheng struggled to get up, intending to open his shop for business, but while tidying up his bed, he found something near his pillow. He was taken aback and immediately felt a chill run through his body.

He hadn't noticed it in the dim light last night, but now he could clearly see that what was lying next to his pillow was the piece of Blue and White Porcelain he had demanded back from Qin Sisi and Boss Zheng.

But he distinctly remembered having put that piece of Blue and White Porcelain in his shop, safely locked inside a safe. How could it have ended up next to his pillow?