Chapter 140: Spirits of the Deep Well_1

Ye You was walking along a messy path, the light of Ziwei Heaven Fire curbed the surrounding darkness, some disorderly objects came to view.

Qin Sisi followed closely behind Ye You, her hand gripping tightly the inky-black Divine Dog's Fury.

After a few turns, finally, Ye You stopped at the edge of a well, his purple eyes staring intensely at the well, he said, "The cats said the ghost is in a well, it must be this one."

Qin Sisi cautiously advanced, saw the well was about sixty to seventy centimeters in diameter, pitch-dark inside, and didn't know how deep it was or if there was still water inside.

Qin Sisi bent over to pick up a stone and threw it into the well.

In an instant, a slight sound echoed from within, but it definitely wasn't the sound of a stone hitting water.

Qin Sisi, in deep thought, said, "It seems that there is no water inside the well, it's a dry well."