Chapter 145: Trading with Opposing Forces_1

Upon hearing Lan Di's playful remarks, Ye You didn't get angry. He instead stared at Lan Di with a chilling gaze, and in a soft voice he uttered two words, "Is that so?"

Lan Di hooked the corner of his mouth in defiance and leaned closer to Ye You, whispering, "What if it is?"

Ye You responded coldly, "No way."

In Lan Di's eyes flashed a glint of mischief, and he promptly asked, "Why not?"

Ye You replied without hesitation, "Because she's my woman."

"Ha! Ha!... I knew you were no ordinary Joe." Lan Di exclaimed in excitement, sizing up Ye You with interest: he must have been a human who turned into a cat due to some peculiar reasons.

Ye You was unaffected by Lan Di's self-satisfaction, merely questioning him in an icy tone, "And so?"

Lan Di stared at Ye You with a meaningful gaze, grinning, "Tell me, if I bring along a few more Ghost Immortals, will we have a chance to defeat you?"

Ye You scoffed, retorting, "You are more than welcome to try."