Chapter 159 Don't Move, Let Me Do It_1

Lin Shan looked worried, but obediently nodded.

Wei Ruhai at one side was getting impatient. He had been pursuing Lin Shan for a long time, and despite being neither entirely accepted nor rejected by her, he had finally managed to trick her into coming to the hotel tonight. Now, before anything had time to happen, they had been interrupted.

After such an incident, Lin Shan may grow wary of him in the future, making it difficult for him to get his hands on her again.

Seeing that Qin Sisi was tight-lipped, Wei Ruhai turned to Lin Shan, who had always admired him, and earnestly took her hand, saying, "Shan Shan, don't leave, I need you."

Lin Shan looked up at him, her expression somewhat bewildered and her eyes unavoidably revealing tenderness, whispering, "I'm sorry, I have to go see my sister."

Wei Ruhai wouldn't let go, whispering, "What should I do then?"