Chapter 165 - Repaying Favor_1

The night was cold as water, an icy breeze seeping in through the gaps in the windows.

Ye You's claw lightly lifted, a ray of white light emanated from his hand, transforming into a vague fog, which then morphed into the figure of Lin Ying.

"Sister Ying," Qin Sisi greeted softly.

Lin Ying nodded in acknowledgement, smiling as she said, "Sisi, thanks to you, we were able to resolve things quite nicely."

Qin Sisi retorted, "Don't be so formal, Sister Ying, Shan Shan is my good friend, I was only doing what any friend would."

With a benevolent demeanor, Lin Ying glanced at Qin Sisi, "Sisi, now that everything is settled, I should take my leave. Is there anything I can assist you with before I go?"

Qin Sisi's expression shifted slightly after a moment's hesitation, she finally said, "Sister Ying, you know now that I'm not an ordinary person. Actually, I've been collecting Soul Power this whole time."

"Soul Power?" Lin Ying gazed at Qin Sisi in surprise.