Chapter 167: Mysterious Homicide_1

Qin Sisi leaned back in her chair, sweeping a hand through her hair, and said nonchalantly, "What is it? Speak up."

Ning Hao gathered his thoughts, and intoned solemnly, "Recently, I've come across a case. It's a bit strange."

Qin Sisi turned her head slightly to look at Ning Hao, surprised flickering in her eyes. No matter how strange a case was, it was still a police matter. What did it have to do with her?

Ning Hao saw Qin Sisi's confusion and immediately explained, "The victims were a couple. All the signs suggested that they had killed each other. But we can't find any motive for their crime. Not to mention the methods used were exceptionally bloody and eerie."

Qin Sisi was intrigued by the case Ning Hao described. After mulling it over, she suggested, "It might be possible that someone else murdered both of them and then fabricated the scene to look like they inflicted harm upon each other."