Chapter 180: Takeout_1

Ye You panicked, suddenly not knowing how to react. During his previous field training in the Demon Sacred Realm, he had also endured a fair share of hardships, minor illnesses and injuries which he bore and then passed.

Now, seeing Qin Sisi with her eyebrows tightly knuckled and pained expression, he felt both heartache and self-blame. He wished he could be the one who was ill.

Ye You leaned closer to Qin Sisi, gently placed his claw on her feverishly hot cheek and softly asked, "Sisi, how are you feeling?"

Upon hearing Ye You's voice, Qin Sisi struggled to open her eyes and then closed them weakly, murmuring, "Xiao Hei, I am cold."

Her warm breath sprayed on Ye You's face, making his heart throb with anxiousness.

Ye You brought another blanket to cover Qin Sisi with, tucking it in more tightly than before.

Qin Sisi slept in a daze, her body oscillating between hot and cold, her head feeling slightly congested with pain, her eyebrows remaining tightly knitted the whole time.